I’ve parked the delorean back in August of 2016. So let’s look at what games I played back then.
Well it looks like I was still playing the lcg Ashes Rise of the Phoenix Born.
I love the worker placement game The Manhattan Project. So it was a no brainer that I got the card game based on it The Manhattan Project Chain Reaction. It’s fairly light and quick to play.
I’ve also been known to enjoy a game of 7 Wonders. Despite being able to play 7 Wonders as a two player game, it’s a kludge at best. Now 7 Wonders Duel is an amazing two player game. So good that Nathan loved it, and has his own copy.
Continuing the two player game theme this month seems to have I got the great two player hand management game Odin’s Ravens to the table.
And a big surprise I actually played a couple of physical games of Star Realms. That is such a rarity.
I enjoyed New Bedford but can I ever forgive it for bringing Nantucket (the worst game ever) into my life?
And here is the complete list of games played I played back then.