It’s getting close to the end of the month and time once again to look back to days of old and see what I was playing way back when.

So it looks like we were still working our way through the Pandemic Legacy Season 1 campaign.
I’ve not played any Fluxx game in years. They are fun. Might have to dig one out and get it to the table. Mustn’t forget the house rule that if the game hasn’t ended within 30 mins to stop playing. Else it will go on forever.
I miss Android Netrunner. It is a great game, just oozing theme. Shame it joined that long list of dead games (yes I know fans are doing new stuff for it).
Not sure when I last played a physical copy of Star Realms. All my game play is with the digital version. But that won’t stop me backing this years Kickstarter for it!
Ok here are the months gaming stats.

Here’s that complete list of everything I played in April 2016.

See you in next months flashback.