A reoccurring theme throughout this blog is life gets in the way of gaming.
It’s certainly why last Fridays club night has turned out to be the first gaming I have done this February.
Another reoccurring theme for club nights is how attendance has dropped from its heady heights of having double digit attendance figures.
This was even commented on by Anthony this week as Marcin, Anthony, and myself were the only ones who turned up.
Our opening game of the evening was Snowcrest.
I’m not sure how I really feel about Snowcrest.
The box art is lovely. And the animorphised characters on the cards are ok.
But it’s the theme or lack of it. Even now I couldn’t really tell you what the theme is. Was I attracting characters to my monastery or town? I really didn’t think the art or mechanics did anything to help here.
The mechanics are cool. The building a tableau to give you actions to do. The having to do a refresh once three cards in a row/column have been flipped is nice.
On your turn you do a single action. Which is very quick. You play a card, do an action on a card, or refresh. You just want to do more on your turn. I found I was getting impatient when any delay happened, wanting the others to hurry up because I knew what I wanted to do next.
There is no player interaction.
I think the jury is still out on this one.
Marcin won.

Our next game was Flip 7.
I like Flip 7 but it is not the greatest card game in the world.
This push your luck card game gave me some pontoon vibes with its stick, twist each turn.
It is a fun filler for sure.
Somehow I managed to win.
Our final game of the evening was Rebel Princess.
This really is a great trick taking game. As a three player game all the ones, elevens, and twelve cards are removed from the game.
Instead of using the recommended rules cards for first time players, we shuffled them up and chose five randomly. The difference really is those recommended cards are simpler and easier to follow. The five we had this time we really fun. One had us passing a card from our hand to a neighbour at the end of each trick. Another had us put half our hand face down only to be played after the cards left had been played.
It’s these changing rules that help keep it fresh. It will be rare that you get two games the same because of this.
I think all three of us managed to pull off the feat of getting all the princes and the frog prince to get that all important -10 points for doing so.
In the end after the five rounds Anthony had won.
The three of us had a fun evening. Plans were made for the following Friday because I will have the new Paranoia board game by them.