Tradition and D&D law states that the following disclaimer has to be said. If it doesn’t apply just ignore it, skim read my ramblings and go find some more compelling, nay interesting content to read.
SPOILER ALERT TO MY ADVENTURERS! The following post contains spoilers for the up and coming campaign/session. You may want to avoid this post and join me in a future one.
A wise and clever DM/GM would schedule playing a completely new RPG system the week between their regular D&D session. Not the night before!
In my defence… no I have no defence I didn’t check before arranging. I just knew any new session couldn’t be on a Saturday. Which meant it could only in reality be a Wednesday or a Friday there is no gaming.
Luckily this next session is the continuation of exploring the haunted house. So not a great deal of session planning to do for it.
However there is a bit of house keeping to do, such as make a list of what the party found or could find.
Plus I need to start thinking of hooks to start hinting at. I quite like the one Mike Shea came up with for the Second Rise district.
“Hook. The back walls of one of the villas collapsed into a series of chambers appearing to have once been a temple to a dark bestial god. The family owning the villa has gone missing and the Silver Talons seek discreet investigators to enter the temple and find any survivors from the collapse.” City of Arches by Michael E. Shea
I can see a patrol of Silver Talons approaching the party as they exit the haunted house. Or even contact them via Adel.
I still need to decide how much Adel will reward the party for investigating the haunted house. What will her standard rate be?
While I’m pondering that I’ll end this post and see you next time.