Category Archives: RPG

I take your words and try them on

As a beginning DM it seems like a steep learning curve. Unlike players you have two guides to read, plus a monster manual to study.

Plus there is a wealth of great advice both as blog posts, podcasts and YouTube videos aimed at beginners like ourselves and more experienced DM’s. I’ve mentioned some of those sources in previous posts.

I think the best skill a DM needs is to be like a sponge, being able to absorb all that information.

It’s early days for me. I’m still finding myself as a DM. As I come along interesting articles or videos, or I research a particular subject like travel (I did a post summarising some of the alternative ways to handle travel between two locations) I like to sometimes share them here, but more importantly clip them to Scribe in the research folder.

A lot of the time the authors like to present their way as the correct way, it “fixes” what they perceive as being broken.

I don’t like to think as stuff being broken, but something that doesn’t work for me. Sometimes it may not even be that. I may just think “oh that sounds cool”.

For example I think having a variety of ways to handle travel is cool. But apart from that I think it helps to keep things interesting for the players. Plus one way of travel does not fit all situations, and being able to choose the most appropriate is a handy thing to have in your toolbox.

But I like that we can take some-one else’s ideas, try them out, and if we don’t like them either go back to what we were doing or try something else. “No harm, no foul” as Jack Reacher says in the books.

This experimentation as far as I see it is all part of the DM’s journey. We are almost like magpies picking up shiny nuggets of information as we go along.

I hope that as I find new and interesting stuff on my journey others are finding what I share interesting and useful.

For those curious the title of the blog is a line from the Alice Cooper song Stolen Prayer from the “concept” album The Last Temptation. Which by the way has a pretty cool comic book/graphic novel by the living legend Neil Gaiman.

A couple of useful bits for DMs

Finally getting round to make the generic double-sided tokens that The Lazy DM Sly Flourish shows off in his DM kit video below. Well ordering the bits I need.

I like this idea a lot. And a lot cheaper and lighter than carrying a ton of minis. If I don’t have the minis already and can’t find them at a really affordable price. This is a fantastic super affordable option.

In fact if you follow the links on the video you are sent to a site that does something similar using images from MtG cards. So they can be as fancy as you like.

What is missing from the video above is the link for the images used. Luckily over on another social media platform called Twitter is a tweet from Sly Flourish with the links to the items required and more importantly a pdf of the images used. I’ve included those links below.

Apparently the icons used were from the website game-icons .

While I’m sharing useful links for Dungeon Masters I have stumbled across a website to generate various sized sheets of graph paper. Here is the link. I used it to generate an A3 sheet of graph paper with 1 inch squares. Ideal for battle maps.

How I create my encounters in D&D

Like most things D&D has it’s various factions when it comes down to certain topics within the game. Such as Critical Role good or bad?, are Challenge Ratings useful?, theatre of the mind verses tactical combat. The list goes on.

Both sides of the discussion, and it usually is a discussion, rarely have I seen these things turn into all out flame wars, have good supporting arguments usually, and are on the whole polite and respectful.

In this post I’m going to talk about how I create encounters for my sessions. Which as you may have gathered by the first couple of paragraphs might just fall into that category of being a controversial subject.

In the DMG they go into great detail about making sure an encounter is balanced.

The DMG has you calculating the XP threshold of your party of adventurers, adding up the XP of monsters being used, and other maths things just to work out of what you want to do falls into the difficulty level of the encounter you want to give your party.

In XGE an alternative method is presented, still reliant on CR, but simpler to follow and quicker to use. (I think the Lazy DM uses the idea behind the tables presented here for his own quick encounter builder.)

As a new DM (which I am) it’s great that there is a way presented for me to create an encounter, despite it seeming overly complicated. Although I do like the four difficulty levels for describing how dangerous an encounter is. It just seems great as a way to help plan the encounter, and make sure that the encounters are varied in their challenge to the players. You shouldn’t be constantly throwing just deadly encounters at the players (unless your intention is to TPK them) or just easy encounters. The sessions would quickly become boring and monotonous. Varying the difficulty level of the encounters encountered allows for an ebb and flow that can build tension and excitement, and moments of relief. Which keeps the game interesting for everyone.

I fall into the camp that chooses which monsters to use for the encounter not on their CR, but on do they make sense story wise to be there.

For me this helps present a more cohesive, immersive adventure to the players. And for those experienced players used to seeing level appropriate monsters based on CR a few surprises.

Naturally if you are using higher level monsters you will need to adjust them to be more inline with the level of the party they are going up against (I’ve summed that process up in a previous post). But before I do that I use the tables created by The Lazy DM to see what ratio of that monster I should be using with the party based on it’s CR rating. I may still need to adjust the stats a little because I want to use more or less of the monsters depending on the encounter I have planned.

I think if I remember correctly The Lazy DM mentioned somewhere (in a blog post or YouTube video) that his tables should fall into the hard encounter difficulty level. So based on those tables and my adjustments I have a rough idea of the encounters difficulty. Which may see me fiddling with quantities or stats, or even adding new monsters to move that encounter difficulty to the desired level.

In my session notes and the adventures I’ve shared on here you will notice that I only give the monsters name(s) for the encounter. I don’t give how many there are in that encounter (the odd occasion I have though before anyone points it out). Yes I know that for my session that my party are at level X, but I don’t know what level other people (if they use what I have created) will be using with it. So even though I may have in my mind while creating the adventure this is aimed at a tier 1 party of 4 adventurers. I think it should be usable by more powerful parties. I basically leave it up to the DM running the adventure to decide the difficulty of the encounter they want to throw at their party. They have the monsters that fit thematically, story wise for the encounter. The rest is up to them.

So that’s how I work. I’ve found a system I like, that works for me. It may not work for you. That’s fine. I don’t think any two DM’s are the same. Find what works for you and don’t let anyone tell you are wrong. But don’t stop learning and trying new things, and tweaking what you do. Become a magpie, pick and choose the nuggets of information you like and horde them away in your DM’s nest.

Update on planning session 4 #3

SPOILER ALERT TO MY ADVENTURERS! The following post contains spoilers for the up and coming campaign. You may want to avoid this post and join me in a future one.

This next session is going to be an odd session prep wise for me, hopefully.

So far I’ve only had to prepare the adventure hook that the party have decided to nibble on for the next session. It’s a great way to work. Cuts down on the amount of effort for me. Instead of preparing multiple scenes/locations I just need to prepare the one.

Sadly in the next session I know that the party are going to the Ogre’s Hideout Tavern were they will meet the two new players. From three who knows.

To help me out so I don’t forget what secrets,clues and adventure hooks I have active and ready to seed I summarised them in a mind map below.

A couple of the above hooks came about organically from the last session.

In fact the players unknowingly came up with the Gladiator Arena one. They seemed fixated with the arena, I thought afterwards why not? So they will see a poster next session asking for combatants to take part in a “royal rumble” to celebrate the tribute going off to the Red Rage, with the winners getting some magical items, and gold. It will be a none lethal event, if they hit zero HP they are knocked out and removed from the arena.

The Investigate Guard Tower came out of the role play of the Mintarn Guards, and will see the party being hired to investigate why the guards and workmen sent out to bring the guard tower back into active use have not been heard from. I think the party will suspect Sahuagin, and be expecting them to attack. But I have an idea to use Ankhegs. However that may change to Orcs Attack!

The Traitor’s Graves and dragon lair came from the Dragon magazine detailing the parts of the town Alhaster I’m using for Mintarn. It just happened that within a day or two of reading the description of the Traitor’s Graves I looked at the maps in the Lazy DM Workbook (LDW), and there was a catacombs map that would be ideal for the abandoned dragons lair. I also think that puzzle I found would fit in nicely here.

Naturally the ship caper sprung up from the discussion with the new players and discussing backgrounds, why they were in Mintarn. This will use just the warehouse from the docks map in the LDW.

The Lost Ironstar Mine will use the Dwarven Excavation map from the Dragon of Icespire Peak adventure from the Essentials box set. This as I have mentioned previously is where I’d like to try a skill challenge again. I know I wasn’t happy with the first one I ran in the first session. But maybe this will work better. Ever the optimist.

The Zhentarim hook was seeded in session 2 with Valdor. However he needs a boat to pursue it. Which gives him motive to help out on the boat caper. For this I’m going to use the Tower of Storms map from the Dragon of Icespire Peak adventure.

The Red Rage Tribute Delivery will see the Sahuagin attack them whilst at sea, and will show the adventurers new info about them. Like their boats are made from wrecks, and that they ride sharks. I also need to find a dragons lair map.

I suspect that the party will go with the boat caper first. Which with the tavern introduction encounter with the new players should be our session. Remember our sessions are approximately two hours in length.

Mintarn is a rich town for adventure ideas. Even now as I type this post I’m thinking “I could have them go into the sewers of Mintarn” or “how do I get them to the Whale Bone islands?” It would certainly make a nice base for the party. For a short period any way. But the nature of this campaign sees them roaming the high seas from island to island.

Update on planning session 4 #2

I forget which YouTube/blog I was looking at, it was probably the Sly Flourish one, but still I came across a link to this great website called Hexagonal Graph Paper PDF Generator.

Which was just what I was looking for.

As the screen grab below shows it allows you to generate a custom sheet of hexagonal graph paper to your specific needs. Mine was 1/2 inch hexagons on a landscape A3 page. Which you download as a pdf.

There are some pregenerated pages as well for visitors to download if they match what they are looking for.

I took the pdf the site generated and took it into GoodNotes, and then saved the page as an image so I could use it in Pixelmator.

In Pixelmator I created a new image using the one just saved. That way I knew it was an A3 sized image. Then in another layer I brought in the map of the Sword Coast. Which I resized so that each hexagon on the map represented 25 miles. Using the map scale was handy for this.

Below is a screen shot of part of the finished product.

The final image is A3 size and is something I can print off and use with the players for when they hit the high seas.

If you remember back in the post where I briefly summarised different options for making travel interesting I mentioned the D&D adventure The Tomb of Annihilation and the method they used within the campaign. This map would be ideal for that method. But it might have to be tweaked to take into account the greater distances travelled by ships. For instance a Keelboat can travel 75 miles or three hexagons in a day.

Sadly for the players we will probably have to play test one or two of the ideas I have as solutions.

We now have a date for the fourth session. Which is the last Saturday of the month, which also happens to be the very last day of the month as well.

Some late Halloween RPG suggestions

Yeah I know Halloween was five days ago, so this is a little late.

But hey give me some slack I only just came across these two D&D Beyond posts.

Yes you could argue if I had checked D&D Beyond last week I could have posted this in a more timely manor.

Although in my defence I did post about trying a fantasy horror D&D adventure for free at the start of October. So in a way I was ahead of the game.

However D&D Beyond now have a couple of articles about playing Curse of Strahd in a single session that can be played at Halloween as a one shot.

Sadly to make use of these two most excellent posts you will need a copy of the Curse of Strahd Adventure book. They also recommend (although not necessary) the Galeforce 9 produced tarokka deck, a sixty minute hourglass, a top down map of Ravenloft (they point to a battle map pack on the DM’s Guild).

Here are the links to the two D&D Beyond posts.

Strahd Must Die Tonight! How to Play Ravenloft in a Single Night

Strahd Must Die Again (And Again And Again)

But what options are there if you don’t like the Ravenloft setting or want a break from the D&D system? Hence why I’m not mentioning Pathfinder first edition and the horror scenarios and rules it has. Plus not sure if they are out in second edition. I don’t play Pathfinder.

Well there is always the Lovecraftian Call of Cthulhu RPG. Like all good RPG’s these days they have a Starter box set that allows new players (both to RPGs and the system) to dip their toe in the system for a relatively cheap price. Sadly it’s not entirely possible to try the game for free with a bunch of friends. But if you visit their page here, you can get the basic rules and a solo adventure (both in starter set).

Another alternative is Tales from the Loop RPG. “In this roleplaying game in the vein of E.T. and Stranger Things, you’ll play teenagers solving mysteries connected to the Loop. The game rules are based on Mutant: Year Zero.” Sadly I’ve not located a free way to try before buying. Personally I think that’s a mistake. Which as far as I can tell the following two recommendations also make.

For a more mature r rated RPG gaming experience there is Vampire: The Masquerade which might be worth a look.

The final option that is the FFG The End of the World Series of RPG’s. In particular the Zombie Apocalypse one. Which seems more appropriate to the time of year than alien invasions or machines taking over.

I wish there was more “you can try these or play these for free” above. I don’t like the idea of splashing out money for stuff that might only see the light of day once a year. Plus that free option is great advertising to get people to maybe buy into the system once they have tried it.

Prepping for a session and an amazing find

Every now and then it has been known for the YouTube recommendations to recommend a hidden gem.

This morning it recommended a doozey

I like seeing and reading about how other DM’s prep for a session, or what they have in their DM tool box and the contents of their DM folder. They are great for stealing ideas from.

Every DM is different, the way they prep, the tools they use and the contents of their folder is unique to them. What works or is useful to one DM may be completely wrong for another. Plus the way they prep, the tools and content is constantly evolving. So whenever you get to see what another DM does, it is always just a snap shot of what they currently do. Come back a month, six months, a year later and it can be completely different, or there might be bits you recognise.

Back to this morning. After I refreshed my recommendations page on YouTube, I scanned the thumbnails for something interesting to watch. There amongst the usual mix of football analysis, recipe videos, and boardgaming/RPG videos was one from a channel I hadn’t seen before aFistfulofDice about prepping for an RPG (here is the actual video).

Yeah I’d seen the videos of how Matt Colville (yep worked him into the conversation) and how he preps for a session. I’d read The Lazy DM books. So my interest was piqued for how this DM went about prepping for their sessions.

The DM/GM who produces the aFistfulofDice videos uses notebooks (who doesn’t? Even in this digital age they can’t be beaten for easy of use and portability). And a combination of the Lazy DM, the 3-3-3 method and they talk about the IARR method.

Now my prep workflow (yeah let’s use some hip sounding jargon) is very personal to me. I use this blog to record ideas, think aloud and one day possibly get some comments, suggestions, about my up coming session. I capture notes for the session in Scrivener.

The image below shows the project structure I have for the current campaign.

Each session has it’s own folder. Plus the general research folder. Which is where I capture any relevant notes to the campaign, like webpages with useful info on.

Each session folder then has several documents inside it that contain my notes for each of the encounters for the session.

One of the nice things I like about Scrivener is that I can export just the pages for the session as a pdf. I have total control of what makes it into the final document. Which for me is the notes for the up coming session.

My notes vary in detail for each encounter. If I’m using a new mechanic, like the exploration or group challenge in the previous session, my notes will be more detailed. Otherwise they can be just a handful of words. I have noticed that I have been writing less detail in the notes compared to my first session.

I also use GoodNotes as a general digital notepad for the campaign. I use Excel to keep an up to date table of the players stats. I did use it to record the stats for each encounter as well. But I’ve moved away from that now I have the monster cards. I just make sure I have the relevant card handy, and just track the individual monster hit points during a combat.

But that’s enough of my process for the time being. I can write a longer more detailed post at a future date.

I naturally went to the channel page for aFistfulofDice and found a video they had done on their DM folder. That was very interesting. Well to me it was, granted it may not be for most people.

That DM folder idea was like striking a rich vein of gold. It came across that they used the folder more as notes for creating adventures than running them. Although with the info there it has (and I’m pretty sure they have), could be used during a session to generate something on the fly.

The find (ok it’s not exactly hidden) of the Lazy DM cheat sheet with NPC and adventure hooks was a great one. I’m going to get that printed out and added.

In the video they use some tables from the dungeon toolbox from the Pathfinder Games Master Guide. So I went and got a digital copy and boy am I glad I did. This book is a gold mine of useful info for a GM. The running the game chapter alone is worth the price of admission as they say. It’s fairly generic guidance, and easily applied to other systems. There really is a lot to love about the chapter, from the adventure structure to the emergency game prep advice. And advice on TPK’s! Then we have some tools for GM’s. These are tables and charts to act as inspiration for a GM. These too are generic and usable in any system. The cultural titles tables are fantastic, want to know the Chinese equivalent of a knight? These are the tables to refer to. But my favourite table has to be Words Every Game Master Should Know. Wow. Love, love, love it.

This is just a wealth of info and inspiration. I will be talking about one or two of them in future posts. Yes Pathfinder is not D&D. This Games Master Guide is for the first edition of Pathfinder. Which happens to be based on D&D 3.5. With the Pathfinder second edition now out, it should be possible to pick up second hand copies of this on the cheap. But the electronic version is not that expensive.

Another source of tables to use while creating an adventure that the video used was the Dungeon Alphabet. I’ll look into that one, it sounds interesting and useful.

It’s been a good morning for being inspired.

Update on planning session 4 #1

SPOILER ALERT TO MY ADVENTURERS! The following post contains spoilers for the up and coming campaign. You may want to avoid this post and join me in a future one.

This next session is going to be interesting, two new members join the group for the first time.

The hook has been seeded for the party to meet up with the new members. Where it goes from their who knows?

So planning wise I need to have more options planned than I would normally. Well I say normally, but considering how new I am to being a DM and this will be my fifth session (including the taster) as such, is there really a normal? I am still after all finding out who I am as a DM, learning a little bit more each session as I journey along that path.

But so far I have used the information from the previous session to guide which hooks encounter I prepare for next.

All I know is at the moment that the party are going to the tavern to meet the new characters. Will they help them with their caper? Which is to steal a boat from the docks that belongs to Angrath?

Luckily the Lazy DM Workbook (LDW) has a docks map I can use. I just need to populate it with pirates.

I have new hooks to seed during the session. One of which uses another map from the LDW. That will also use a puzzle. And I have found the perfect puzzle to use.

I’m trying to build up the tools I have at my disposal to make sure that things are not predictable, keep the players engaged and are hopefully fun.

Thanks to the players coming up with their own hook in the last session, I’m going to push that a bit more as well, and provide a poster to the players promoting a “royal rumble” type event where the winner gets some awesome magical prize. It will be a non-lethal event, no deaths, so if they get to zero hit points they are unconscious and removed from the arena.

The Dungeon Dudes have a great video on YouTube entitled “Five Low Level Magic Items for Creative Players in Dungeon and Dragons 5e“. I might present those five items to the players if they win in the gladiator arena, and get them to pick one.

But it really is useful watching videos like the Dungeon Dudes to get inspiration. Another one I found interesting and relevant to this campaign is their video “Five Deadly Low-Level Monsters in Dungeons and Dragons 5e“. An interesting list, and discussion for sure. I’d already got kobolds and the gelatinous cube in the index card box ready to call on at a moments notice. But the other three on the list I hadn’t considered. Well not entirely I had considered a swarm of rats at some point. But their suggestion of a swarm of rot grubs warranted further investigation. So off to Volo’s Guide it was. Wow what a nasty little creature. Something like that would need telegraphing big time before hand. I’d almost be clumsy about it having the party witness an npc being killed by them. Say have them in a tavern, in barges a group of farmers carrying a body. It’s still alive. They are calling for some-one to get a cleric. Have the cleric arrive too late, but describe what is happening to the body. Have other npc’s shout advice etc.

Luckily between starting this post and finishing it off I remembered that our druid can now change shape. So now I need to consider what beasts are scattered through out the campaign to feed that ability. At the moment they can chose an ox!

But this does present an interesting situation. Which will require me to discuss with the players before hand if they will be comfortable with the subject matter. That sounds all ominous, but not really. Just the considerate thing to do. Being in Mintarn and this being a Western European fantasy setting, one way to allow the druid to see a beast such as a bear is to have a performing one, or have them fighting other beasts in the gladiator arena. It presents a situation that the players will have to handle that has a moral element to it. And is definitely a subject matter that I’d like to as a DM to discuss with the players before hand.

On when the next session will be I started that discussion off on the Messenger group this morning. No one had made a move. And it needed starting. I also proposed a date in December also for the 5th session.

I’ve also mapped out when the players will level up based on each session being worth 2 points (remember we are using the adventure league way of levelling as described in the appendix of Xanathar’s Guide to Everything). It means our new players will level up the session after the others have. There will always be that little bit of drag.

Meet Thy Doom – on a single page

With the general election in full swing now, battle lines are being drawn. Lies and smears of the elite are being thrown at the threat they see from Corbyn. Which will only get worse as the election goes on.

MP’s shout sound bites into the void of social media, hoping that the half truths and out right lies stick. Aided by a compliant press unwilling to pull them up on it.

It’s all too depressing really.

The title of this D&D 5e homage to the video game classic Doom seems so apt.

So what we have below is a first attempt to make this a one page adventure.

It was definitely an interesting exercise trying to fit everything onto a single page. I did this version in Pages on the iPad. The results are so so at best.

So next I tried using Word on the iPad.

I’m happier with the results. But still not brilliant.

Let’s stock a 5 Room Dungeon!

Ok before I start stocking the 5 Room Dungeon Meet Thy Doom. My homage to the classic FPS shooter Doom from iD Software.

I thought I better share the “final” map for the dungeon.

Yeah I updated it again after yesterday’s post. The additions are some secret compartments that items and monsters can be hidden in. Plus I show where the trigger is in the red room (door 4). It will be a light beam or some other trigger. I’ve also show in the blue room (door 3) that potion(s) are locked behind the portcullis wall on the raised platform in the room. I’ve also decided that the Green room (door 1) will operate slightly differently. Once they get the key the walls won’t disappear. But the secret doors will still open releasing the monsters inside them.

Ok in D&D sadly looking through the Monster Manual (MM), Volo’s Guide to Monsters (VGM) and Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes (MTF) an imp like the ones in the game.

However I did find in VGM a Kobold Scale Sorcerer. Which can be used as is, or re-skinned as the imp from Doom. The Kobold Scale Sorcerer is a level 3 spell caster and has a CR of 1. It knows the fire bolt cantrip.

Although if you want something a little easier Magmins from the MM would be worth a look.

Once again there is no Lost Soul but we do have a Flameskull in the MM. It is a CR4 creature, but it’s AC is 14. So not hard to hit. It’s 40 HP and spells (5th level spellcaster) and only destroyed with holy water. Does make it a bitch to kill off.

Shotgun Guy/Zombieman once again classic Doom characters. Which we need to map across.

For these two classic pieces of cannon fodder I’m going to suggest using one or two of the NPC’s from Appendix B of the MM.

For the Zombieman I’d use maybe a Scout, Thug, Bandit or Guard. The CR for these are all under 1. So you could throw a few of these at the players.

For the tougher Shotgun guy I’d use possibly a Bandit Captain, Berserker, Knight or Veteran. Which have a CR of 2 or 3. Possibly even a Gladiator if I wanted to increase the challenge with a CR of 5.

There are no Cacodemons in D&D but there are Beholders and Spectators. Not exactly the same. I’d go with the CR3 Spectator. But like all things it depends on the level of the party tackling the dungeon. I might change the eye rays of the Spectator, and look at what options I had from the related Beholders.

So which monsters go into which room?

Red Room (door 4): Imps

Blue Room (door 3): Lost Souls

Yellow Room (door 2): Mixture of the previous three rooms monsters spread amongst the platforms.

Green Room (door 1): Shotgun Guy and Zombieman.

Hallway: Cacodemon

I do think that there needs to be clues/warnings spread through out the level foreshadowing what they will be facing. So maybe tapestry’s or murals on the the walls.

Which D&D monsters would you use and for which classic Doom creature?