Category Archives: play,keep,ebay

Play, Keep, eBay #2

Welcome to the second post of Play, Keep, eBay. Where I take three games and decide which I’d happily play, keep or add to my collection, and finally which I’d sell on.

In this post I have three deckbuilders that I have played at least once over the past decade.

As you read yesterday deckbuilders are one of Jonathan’s least favourite mechanics. But I love it. I love the shaping your deck, the having to alter your plans based on available cards in the changing trade row, trying to get synergies/combos going between cards. The mechanic is so flexible also. It can be the basis of a co-operative game, or it can be an aggressive competitive game, it can be just competitive. Look at the various games out there that use it as a mechanic.

Play: This was close as I do like Eminent Domain a lot. I like the theme, and it’s unique follow action mechanic. It was nearly the Keep. The expansions add to the game while not over complicating it. This is a nice competitive deckbuilder.

Keep: Probably the easiest and most predictable of my answers for those that know me. It has to be Star Realms. I play this all the time via the app. The physical game is awesome. I love the aggressive nature of the game, it’s quick, cheap, portable. Then all the expansions you can get add variety and new mechanics.

eBay: I think if you have been reading this blog for a looong time you might have guessed this one. You’d need a good memory. But still. It could only be Thunderstone Advance: Numenera. At the time when I played this I wasn’t impressed. It lacked urgency. This game put me off the whole series/system.

Games listed: Eminent Domain, Star Realms, Thunderstone Advance: Numenera

Play, Keep, eBay

I thought I’d do something different in this post. Pretty sure others have done this before for boardgames, definitely on a podcast or two.

This is a version of F@£k, Marry, Kill that as you can guess from the post title is Play, Keep, eBay.

The first three games up for this once in a blue moon series of posts are Scythe, Kemet and Inis.

Play: This has to be Kemet. I love this Egyptian themed game. It’s attack, attack, attack. If you don’t like conflict driven games where everyone is attacking everyone else, then this game is not for you. This is a game where turtling, aka hiding is not a tactic. You have to be aggressive to win. I love the ebb and flow of the game. The minis of the gods look awesome on the map, and love the unique powers you get from them.

Keep: The easiest decision of the three games for me. It can only be Scythe. It’s my favourite game of all time. There is so much replay ability in the game. It’s engine building, resource management, area control. The art is amazing. Great component quality. Looks amazing on the table.

eBay: There is only one game left. I’ll point out Inis is not a bad game. I enjoyed the couple of times I played it. However one on the list has to go and this is it. The fact for me is that I’d rather play or keep the other two games. And this reflects real life. I did in fact sell my copy of the game on. And it was for that exact reason. I had similar games that I’d rather play instead.

Games listed: Scythe, Kemet, Inis