Category Archives: MtG

Going Jurassic in Commander!

After spending an hour or more getting the cards together, I now have a dinosaur tribal commander deck. Sadly it does not have the two Elder dinosaurs in it for black and blue. My commander Zacama, Primal Calamity is red, green and white. So the deck has four out of the six, which ain’t bad.

It’s been hard getting down to the one hundred cards that make a commander deck. But I’ve managed to do it, just.

I’m glad that itch has been scratched and it’s now in a play and tweak stage. I enjoyed my regular MtG dinosaur deck. So I’m hoping this commander deck is as much fun to play.

In the meantime I’ve come up with other deck themes I’d like to do. These are basically commander versions of my angel deck, and the death and taxes deck. But I also have a second Arcane Wizardry commander deck on the way. I’ve really enjoyed playing that deck, and I want to change it a little to make it “mine”. There are three cards that I don’t like in that deck that need to go straight away.

I’ll put up my initial deck list later in the week.

Much ado about nothing, an uneventful week of gaming

Well the week has been spent coughing, and generally feeling crap and sorry for myself. There has been no gaming during the week apart from games of MtG with Dale and the students. Which meant I got the chance to play the latest Strictly Better MtG deck I bought (and had arrived during half term) Blue’s Clues. It was kinda funny to start with because I’d forgotten the aim of the deck. I looked through the cards that made up the deck. Wait, no creatures! Then I read the text on Sphinx’s Tutelage, Fleeting Memories and Startled Awake. Oh it’s mill. But no creatures! Although it does generate an 8/8 Octopus token when Crush of Tentacles is cast for its surge cost. Which did come out in two or three games. It even won a game for me. Which did feel odd winning a game by inflicting damage with a creature in a deck with no creatures!

The deck or more specifically Sphinx’s Tutelage love mono colour decks. The milling damage can easily be 6 or more cards each time you draw a card. I love the combo of Sphinx’s Tutelage and Fleeting Memories. Sacrifice a clue, mill 3 cards, then as you draw the card mill again.

This blue mill deck continues the run of fun decks to play from Dev. Although my students and Dale seem to hate it. I am finding I’m learning a lot about deckbuilding from Dev and his decks. Plus I’m getting to experience different styles of deck.

Yesterday WotC put up for the world to see the deck lists that make up the soon (April) to be released Challenger decks. I have to admit I like the look of them. I do like the look of the HAZORET AGGRO deck. With the Chandra, Torch of Defiance in the deck you are getting some value in the deck. I think currently that’s like a £25 – £30 card. Ok that price is likely to drop once the deck hits the street. But still that’s the cost of deck in the one card, everything else is gravy. So yeah I’ll be buying this and the other 3 Challenger decks. Will I keep them whole or break them up? I’m not sure yet. I’d definitely like a second Chandra in my red aggro deck. I do think by publishing the deck lists WotC have shown that in this case that they have listened, and shown this “new” product the respect it needed.

Last night was the weekly Friday Night Gaming for Fenland Gamers, and the first I’ve attended in about a month. We started off playing Mint Delivery.

I started off so well in the game with a massive misplay. That put me a turn behind. Still I did manage to get a nice little scoring route going that in the end didn’t win me the game, but did mean I shared second place with Edmund. Jonathan drove away with first place. It’s still a nice little pick up and deliver game. Maybe next time we’ll play with one of the advanced variants.

Our second game of the evening was London (Second Edition). I do like this card engine builder. So far in the games I’ve played I’ve managed to grab Westminster so I get to control the end of the game. Not sure how I’d get on if I didn’t get that borough. I hope I don’t ever get to find out. I just love having control over my card draw and not having to waste a turn drawing 3 cards. Edmund won our game, and once again I came in second place.

Earlier in the day I set up some future gaming events. It started off with wanting to organise a Twilight Imperium session so I could play the game with the new 25th Anniversary playmat that I had just taken delivery of at lunchtime. The Open Gaming on the 28/4 is the weekend before I turn 50 (yeah I’m ancient) and also International Tabletop Day. So is a double celebration. Which means there will be cake at this session. Now I just need to set up something to get Kemet and Cry Havoc back to the table so I can play them with the expansions I got for them recently.

Here are the sessions I’ve setup. You can find out more details on the events section of the Fenland Gamers Facebook page.

  • 13/3 – Monthly Meetup
  • 17/3 – An Afternoon of Gaming
  • 24/3 – MtG Commander
  • 14/4 – Twilight Imperium 4
  • 28/4 – Open Gaming

A Black Aggro Deck

I enjoyed the pauper black aggro deck that Strictly Better MtG did. So once again I felt inspired, and decided to build a black aggro deck.

For my deck I wanted to make use of some of the cards I thought were cool in Rivals of Ixalan. I love Ravenous Chupacabra, a 4 cost 2/2 that removes an opponents creature also when it enters the battlefield, I’ll take that. Especially when I can get it back from the graveyard to my hand easily. Tetzimoc is my big hitter, and also with his ability removal. When you start putting out those pray counters it’s putting a timer on your opponent. Do something about this fast or you are stuffed. I love Mastermind’s Acquisition, being able to go and get the exact card you need is awesome.

Naturally I have removal in my spells, but I also have a little graveyard hate available to me just to make sure some stuff stays dead! The nice thing about Scarab Feast and Wander in Death is they can also cycle. So I have that option there depending on the game of going searching for the card I want.

Ok here is a look at the mana curve for the deck. I’m pretty happy with that and having the AMC under 3.

So here is my black aggro deck list…


4 Skittering Heartstopper
4 Vicious Conquistador
3 Dinosaur Hunter
4 Gifted Aetherborn
3 Ravenous Chupacabra
2 Tetzimoc, Primal Death


2 Duress
2 Fatal Push
2 Scarab Feast
2 Walk the Plank
2 Never // Return
2 Recover
2 Wander in Death
2 Mastermind’s Acquisition


24 Swamp

Sadly there is no sideboard at the moment. But when I do come up with one I think it will have the other two copies of Fatal Push and Never//Return. I’ll probably look at Gonti and Dire Fleet Poisoner also. After that I don’t know.

What would you have in the sideboard? What would you replace in the main deck?

Angels crash to earth

We started a MtG Tournament at work this week. Four rounds of swiss, over 4 weeks with 12 competitors. Each round is the best of 3 games, with the whole thing being run on the website. At the moment there is no prize support, we are currently playing for honour.

I’m playing an angel deck in this tournament. Which I didn’t do too well with in my first round match I lost 2-1. The first game I won, things went to plan. Which in the second game they didn’t. Things went down hill in that game when Overwhelming Splendor was removed from my hand just before I could play it. Sadly at the moment I only have the one copy (Yes more are on the way). But it’s a funny card to play.

It does a good job of buying time for the Angels in my deck to come out, and shutting down planeswalkers that my students like to play. But with the card discarded from my hand my “Great Wall of Darren” as I call it (I have 12 walls in this deck) managed to only delay the inevitable in this game. I just wasn’t hitting my Angels.

In the third and final deciding game things just got worse for me. I just wasn’t hitting land. I was stuck on 2 or 3 mana for a long time, unable to play most things except my walls, cycle the odd card in the hope of hitting land. It was a quick death luckily for me. And a poor start to the tournament.

On a brighter note in a “friendly” game earlier in the day I did get to transform Bruna, The Fading Light and Gisela, The Broken Blade into Brisela, Voice of Nightmares.

This does look really cool on the battlefield.

My Take on CardKingdoms Rookie Red

When I got the Rookie Red deck from CardKingdom last year I was taken aback with it’s speed and how fun it was. It offered great value also. But I wanted to do my take on the deck. How would I do a red aggro deck?

From Saturdays post you know I spent sometime testing this deck with Justin, and a little bit more time on Sunday as well (before swapping over to play with other decks). In the games Saturday my initial version of the deck was just getting it’s butt handed to it by Justin’s Vampire/Zombie token deck. I needed a solution. Ok I needed a legal version of Scalding Salamander (it’s legal in Commander/Legacy and Vintage, but not Modern). I didn’t have a creature like it, but I did come across Pyroclasm. So I ordered a play set of the card. I thought in the meantime seeing as this was a casual game, I’d play 3 copies of the Scalding Salamander for fun. They worked like a charm against those tokens. After I had finished playing with the deck, before moving on I thought “you know what? I’ll see what cards CardKingdom put in their sideboard pack for red”. Guess what was in there? Yep 2 copies of the Pyroclasm. I could have been testing with those!

So what is this deck all about? Speed. Hit them hard and fast.

What am I looking for in the opening hand? 3 or 4 mana, Bloodlust Inciter, a 2 drop and 3 drop, possibly one of the removal cards as well. I like Mutiny and Hijack. Using the opponents creatures against them is fun. And could be with Hijack that little extra bit of damage to push you over the finish line. I think in the initial version I had the 2 cost Lightning Strike because that is the card I layed my hands on first, but I do like the 1 cost Lightning Bolt more, so I dug that out for this deck to use instead.

The sideboard is more of the same, if anything I could add in something to get rid of enchantments. Which I am missing. But there is artefact removal, one or two more big creatures to swing in with if needed. Plus cards to remove those nasty tokens.

So let’s look at those lovely graphics and stats that the Decked app gives me for a deck.

Not surprisingly the AMC is under 2. Which is what I want, and allows for that hit them fast and hard.

22 lands seems about right


4 Bloodlust Inciter
4 Fanatical Firebrand
4 Goblin Trailblazer
2 Nest Robber
3 Raptor Hatchling
2 Swab Goblin
2 Wily Goblin
1 Combat Celebrant
3 Frilled Deathspitter
1 Charging Tuskodon


2 Blazing Volley
3 Lightning Bolt
3 Mutiny
1 Bombard
3 Hijack


22 Mountain


1 Weaver of Lightning
1 Charging Monstrosaur
1 Sun-Crowned Hunters
2 Dual Shot
1 Earthquake
1 Lightning Bolt
3 Smelt
1 Abrade
2 Fling
2 Pyroclasm

So that is my take on the CardKingdom Rookie Red deck. What do you think? What would you change?

Magic Saturday

As you can probably guess yesterday was spent playing more Magic the Gathering. But it wasn’t planned that way. The day had started out as any other Saturday, chilled.

I’d had my morning mug of Pact Coffee, along with two chocolate chip brioche. I’m a creature of habit, and routine. I start everyday like this. After watching some YouTube videos I fell upon the latest Strictly Better MTG one U/R Curious Auras $10 Deck Tech. It looked interesting and just as important fun. So I clicked his TCGPlayer deck list link, and pressed the purchase button. Don’t be fooled by that $10 price, it was double that on TCGPlayer. But still a bargain. I’ve enjoyed the other decks of his that I’ve built (well bought the cards for them). Along with the CardKingdom decks I’ve bought I’ve got a nice little collection of premodern decks that like the now sadly cancelled Duel Decks I can just whip out and say to a friend who fancies a casual game of Magic “which deck do you fancy playing with?”, and then we can just play some Magic.

There was a card in one of his decks which I thought “hey that will go well with my Death and Taxes deck for its sideboard”. I particularly like it for playing against this deck Dale has built. Dale has one or two nasty etb’s in his deck, like taking over my creatures and using them against me. Can’t have that. Dale has said he has ordered cards that will work well in his deck against mine. And so the arms race goes on!

While I was in the card buying mood, I thought I’d buy some more cheap wall defenders to use in my work in progress Angel deck. The plan is to use cheap 1 or 2 cost defenders to chump block and keep me alive long enough to get my Angels out onto the battle field. There seems to be 2 approaches I think to an Angel deck. One is to have cards that give you life gain to try and keep you alive until you can get your Angels out, or you try and ramp up quickly and get them out faster than you should. I’m going with the later. I have the tron lands now.

Ordering those walls reminded me I had a play set of Wall of Omens that I should dig out and put with my Angels and tron lands ready to build with. But as I was looking through my collection I was coming across cards that would go well in my back burner deck I was going to build. So after finding the actual cards I was looking for, I ended up putting together my initial take of my version of the CardKingdom Red Rookie deck.

It was while I was deck building that Justin messaged me asking what I was doing. Naturally I said I was building a new deck. Justin asked if it needed testing. ‘Yep” was my one word response. So I ended up round his playing Magic, testing my new deck against a new deck he’d built. Plus playing my R/G Dino deck against it. Plus we tested another of his decks a vampire/zombie token deck against both my new deck and the dinos. My new deck didn’t do that great against the token one. I need to think about the sideboard and what I can add that will help against this type of deck.

Netflix Recommendation

My teenage years were spent watching amongst other things movies like Caddyshack, Animal House, National Lampoons Vacation, Porkies etc. The humour in these types of movies appealed to a teen me, and to be honest still do. Naturally back then I was oblivious to some of the tragic stories that hide behind some of these movies I loved. It was only in later life that I would learn of these tragic and heart breaking stories of some of my comedic heroes and heroines. Which brings me to a great Netflix recommendation. A Futile and Stupid Gesture tells the story of Doug Kenney co-founder of National Lampoon, creative genius behind some of those comedy classics I loved watching.

This is a really good biopic. I really loved the way the director and writers handled the end of the movie. There are some great decisions made to tell the life story of Kenney. They even break the fourth wall once or twice. They capture for me the spirit and humour fantastically. For me I can count the truly great biopics on one hand. I’m adding this to that list.

Even if you are not a fan of the type of humour Kenney created I think you will enjoy this movie. Just go watch it.

Rivals of Ixalan Pulls Part 3

After the two Planeswalker decks for this set we are going to look at the six boosters that came with the second Prerelease kit I’ve had. This one I picked up on release day as part of my haul.

The Prerelease kit comes with 2 boosters from Ixalan. So let’s look at what cards I pulled from those before moving onto Rivals of Ixalan (although the foils and promo below are from both sets!).

Ok let’s now look what goodies I got from the four boosters from the new set that are included in the Prerelease kit.

That was the Prerelease kit. Next up will be the bundle pack.

R/G Dino Deck V2.0

I’ve made some changes since the initial version of this deck. I liked the idea of the dual lands, but they were just too slow. They kind of gave the deck drag. By that I mean there was always that turn delay between playing them and being able to cast anything with them. Even just by adding in those handful of basic lands in the previous version of the deck it did speed things up sometimes. So I decided to go with 20 basic lands, and the one three colour land. I’ve gone with the 3 copies of Commune with Dinosaurs, although I am tempted at making that 4, to either go looking for that basic I need, or just to find a dino that I need. I’m playing 1 fling, but that has been a game winner more than once for me. Glorybringer has been an amazing card, sadly not a dinosaur, but it is a big flying lizard! I’m playing 3 of these because my students do like their flyers. So I need to be able to block them, but also I like it’s exert which I can use to remove a threat as well. Ghalta has been a great card to play alongside Regisaur Alpha. Playing it for 2 forests and swinging in straight away for 12 trample because of the haste Regisaur has given it, is an amazing play. I’ve never payed the full cost for this yet. I’ve also used fling with it for the killing blow! Burning Sun’s Avatar is another favourite, and I use it more for removal and direct damage. If I can land 6 damage too then I count that as a bonus.

So what stats has the Decked app given me for this version of the deck?

As you can see I’m still under the target of 4. As the following shows I am heavily into red. For me 21 lands is pretty good.

Ok here is the real info that you want…

Counts : 60 main / 15 sideboard


2 Drover of the Mighty
3 Otepec Huntmaster
3 Raptor Hatchling
2 Deathgorge Scavenger
3 Rampaging Ferocidon
3 Charging Monstrosaur
3 Glorybringer
2 Regisaur Alpha
3 Burning Sun’s Avatar
2 Carnage Tyrant
1 Gishath, Sun’s Avatar
1 Ghalta, Primal Hunger


3 Commune with Dinosaurs
2 Abrade
1 Fling
2 Lightning Strike
3 Crushing Canopy


9 Forest
1 Jungle Shrine
9 Mountain
2 Plains


1 Deathgorge Scavenger
1 Rampaging Ferocidon
1 Ripjaw Raptor
1 Regisaur Alpha
1 Carnage Tyrant
1 Gishath, Sun’s Avatar
1 Ghalta, Primal Hunger
2 Blazing Volley
1 Commune with Dinosaurs
2 Abrade
1 Fling
2 Lightning Strike

So what do you think of this deck? What would you change? Could the sideboard be better?

Rivals of Ixalan Pulls Part 1

Well I did purchase some product on Friday for the latest set Rivals of Ixalan. I didn’t attend any events at my FLGS due to commitments such as fixing a relatives pc on Saturday, and Gloomhaven today.

So my coverage for my pulls will be spread over the next week, interspersed between my other compelling content. If you can read that last bit with a heavy hint of sarcasm, as if anything I write would be compelling. Spreading it out also means I’m spreading out the scanning in of the pulled cards to the Decked app that I use to track my MtG collection and build my decks.

So we are starting with the two booster packs that came with the Vraska, Scheming Gorgan Planeswalker deck. I’ll do the usual coverage of the cards pulled, show foils, rares/mythics and the 3 uncommons from each pack.

So here are the poorly photographed cards I pulled from those 2 packs plus the foil planeswalker card from the deck.