Category Archives: miniatures painting

Skeleton Dragon Rises From The Grave

The latest addition to the skeleton horde arrived this morning.

Unusually for me within seconds of it arriving it was out of the box and having paint slapped on it!

Ok this isn’t the most complicated paint scheme for a model. The majority of it is Army Painter skeleton bone colour, and the skin on the wings I did as Army Painter leather brown that I made lighter by mixing in some white.

That lighter tone took it almost to the bone colour.
I now have to wait until the wash has dried to do the highlights.I’ll post again with the finished that.

Skeleton Minis Painted

On Saturday whilst getting stuff ready for the second session, and sorting out minis needed, the urge to paint the two skeletons I have came over me.

So after fighting apathy I got my act together and did another poor paint job.

Once again they continue my “used” universe look. It’s a look I like. Not just because I’m a Star Wars fan, but because I think it’s more authentic when applied to fantasy.

I feel that in the D&D setting, which is medieval European fantasy mainly that’s the look that would be prevalent. Everything is going to be used, dirty. It wouldn’t be clean, and bright (as some fantasy films would have you believe).

So after that mini justification for my poor painting skills. I’ll see you in the next post.

Some painting photos

For those that don’t stalk me on Instagram/Twitter/Facebook here are a couple of photos that I shared on those social media outlets earlier today.

I like to share.

First up I did “test” painting on a couple of the beds, a table and a chair. This also included using a wash. I like how they have turned out.

Next is a photo of the wash drying on some of the cave tiles.

Just have 5 4×4 tiles to paint now, and then I’m done for the time being on the cave tiles.

A weekend of Wave 5

After that busy week of gaming, I followed it up with a quiet weekend in chilling in front of the box with a paint brush in hand. So Wave 5 has had some lovin’.

I gave the front of the zombies this time a second wash, but using a red tone. Trying to give that bloody tint to the torso. The wound/cut on the back I ran the red tone wash over too, but left the rest of the back. I also did a blue tone wash on the jeans.

I also strategically dabbed spots with the crusted sore red on the trousers and a cut on one arm.

I decided against dry brushing, and have applied the varnish. Grass quickly to do, and that’s Wave 5 done.

Wave 6 is waiting on the side lines primed and ready to hit the production line. With a quiet week ahead, and I can’t believe I’m typing this, I may start painting them to unwind in the evening.

Wave 4 shuffles into the ranks of the undead

The finishing touches for Wave 4 didn’t take long to do, or dry. So I was able to varnish and do the bases as well.

Which means Wave 4 is completed, and the painted zombie horde is a little bit larger.

I even managed to prime wave 6 yesterday. Wave 6 will be the biggest batch so far.

If you were wondering just how many of these basic walkers I have left to paint. Then this next picture (minus waves 5 and 6) shows you how far I’ve come, and how far I’ve to go.

I did start Wave 5 but you can see the pictures of that tomorrow.

Wave 4 has been started

Yesterday evening in a rare night at home this week I decided to start painting wave 4 of the walker zombies. This wave is slightly smaller at 6 minis. But I’m sticking to the same colour scheme as the other waves.

I did the majority of the base coat, deciding to leave the shoes to the next session. I also decided that I’d try and paint the hair using dry brushing to see how that worked out.

Ok I couldn’t resist applying some washes later on. I’d ended up downstairs because of Loki, and some how ended up applying washes to the flesh, jacket and shirt.

Wave 3 Nearing Completion

The last bit I had to do before spraying on the varnish was add some silver to the necklace and earrings, and a little crusted sore to key spots. Yes that’s a bloody bum she has! There was also a spot on the front of the jacket that I put a spot of glistening blood in.

The wave is now drying after I sprayed on the varnish. Which means tomorrow will see me complete the wave by doing the bases. I suppose I could have been doing that today, but I was feeling a bit lazy yesterday.

I do need to get some more light grey primer. Will the expense of this new “hobby” never stop?

Also need to work on my techniques. The washes still need to work, but a friend has given me suggestions how to fix that. Not happy with my dry brush work. So that’s my next thing to sort out.

Day 3 progress on Wave 3

Well that’s embarrassing yesterdays post failed to publish, so it’s just gone up on the blog.
It’s now 3 nights in a row.

It was the turn of the jacket and skin to get washes this evening.

I do like the skin wash and the way it transforms the skin of the zombies.

Tomorrow we get bloody!

P.S. This arrived today, looking to getting it to the table at the monthly meetup next Wednesday.