Category Archives: Middle week tv

The reorganisation continues

I have the flooring to do. But I have the shelves in the living room up.

Yes not the expensive IKEA Kallax that are very very popular in the board gaming community. But budgets define the options and choices we can make. These were within my budget.

After starting to fill these two units it was apparent they wouldn’t be enough. I would need more.

The problem is and has been space to put them up.

To get these in my two seater settee had to go.

I had a suitable spot for two more to go in the dining room once the table there went.

However before I cleared that and put the plan into action there was something big happening to the house.

My landlord was having a new front door and windows put in. The “old” ones were most likely the original ones (making them about 100 years old!)

All that window stuff happened whilst I was off on the union rep training last week.

So Saturday saw me getting the table cleared. I then put the two new units together configured so the lowest shelf was above Loki cocking leg height!

I’m now starting to fill the new space.

It’s going to be very close to whether this will be enough additional space to hold the rest of my game collection.

In the meantime I have a new dvd project to watch at some point that has just popped through the door in the last week.

New dvd project

Yes I’m a fan of Planet of the Apes franchise. I can even find nice stuff to say about the Tim Burton remake! But before I go off about all this and what they mean to me I’ll stop. All that sort of stuff needs saving for when I do a post about this viewing project.

Despite having a space issue for storing board games. It doesn’t stop the odd new arrival or pre-ordering stuff. In this case I’m expecting Dune Imperium Uprising at some point soon. It’s out now in the States I believe, and pre-orders from Dire Wolf have been sent out. I’m just waiting for it to arrival with retailers in the UK so my pre-order can be sent.

I’m waiting for Amazon to send me the latest book by Scott Rogers. This one is on board game design. Can’t wait to read it. Plus I have a book on cheating in video games on the way. For reason both won’t be here until next week. Very unusually slow for Amazon.

Catch you in the next post.

UPDATE: I did get some fantastic news late last night from the eldest of my sons (well I still look on them as that, even though there may not be a biological link). It nearly bought me to tears.

Long time readers of my ramblings will remember one of my big regrets in life is my relationship or lack of it with the eldest two boys.

So it meant a lot to me that he shared the news with me. I wouldn’t have blamed him if he hadn’t and I’d found out via Nathan. It would have hurt. But I wouldn’t have held any ill feelings.

I’m not going to say exactly what the news is because I’m not sure it’s my place to do so.

I’m so happy for the eldest.