Category Archives: magic


The Hobbit Hole MtG Rivals of Ixalan Store Championship

Saturday was the Rivals of Ixalan Store Championship for my FLGS. In my previous post I wrote how I’d been tempted to enter because of the promo full art Steel Leaf Champion for participating. I’d also said I was going to use the tournament to test the new Challenger decks from WotC.

For the tournament I went with the Vehicle Rush deck, which after some very quick research in the morning was meant to be the stronger, more rounded of the four decks. Ok so I’ll go with that. Not played an artifact heavy deck before. So this was going to be a bit of a learning curve for me. Should I have stayed with a deck type I’m used to playing? Only time would tell.

Round 1 and I was up against the fabled Merfolk deck of Rob. John had spoken of this deck in hushed tones on Friday. Game 1 and I nearly took a win. Rob was down to 4 health, before his Ghalti and Merfolk did their job and steam rolled me. Our game 2 and once more Ghalti and those Merfolk just road all over me with me doing hardly if any damage.

I did get Rob to take a look at my mono black aggro deck, that is one card away from being standard legal. Swapping the 2 duress out to the sideboard and putting 2 Vraska’s contempt from the sideboard into the main deck was his main bit of advice. Rob also suggested looking at Kitesail Freebooter. Which I have considered in the past for this deck. I might put it in the sideboard to replace the non-standard legal cards. Otherwise he thought it wasn’t bad. I’ll take that from a much more experienced player.

Round 2 for me was a buy! So I was able to chill, take some photos for this post, watch a game or two.

Round 3 I was up against a player called Ben. In our first game, I did some damage, but he was beefing up creatures with cartouches left right and centre and there wasn’t much I could do about it. I was soon killed off. Our second game for me was a total train wreck. I was totally mana flooded. I had an initial had of one artifact creature and 6 lands, which I should have mulliganed. But I thought I’d risk it, surely I’d hit none lands for a few turns. But no it was land after land. Nothing I could do but lose.

The fourth and final round of the tournament had me up against a player called Dean. He was playing a dinosaur deck. I was a turn away from grabbing a win, when he played Ghalti, gave it haste and stole the victory. Not a great start. But then I bounced back and took our next game. It was down to the third and final game as the decider. Dean was getting land, but was not able to play much! I’d love to know what he had in his hand. But it meant I was able to do the unthinkable and win again and get a legit victory for the tournament.

At the end of the day my record for the tournament was 2-2, putting me in 6th place out of 9. Which meant I got a Top 8 deck box, the full art Steel Leaf Champion, and a participation booster pack of my choice (although Iconic Masters and Masters 25 were not included). I went with an Oath of the Gatewatch booster, but there was nothing in it of interest so like another player I gave those cards to a young lad who had taken part.

Why is Steel Leaf Champion my main prize and the reason I attended? A 3 cost, 5/4 elf that can’t be blocked by creatures with a power of 2 or less. That’s a powerful card. Which with the reprinted Llanowar Elf could be a turn 2 play. So you are hitting your opponent turn 3 for 5 damage. It can’t be easily taken out with lightning strikes or abrades. I’d have to look at other cards in Dominaria, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there are a few decks built around this. I’m certainly going to be doing that. It’s something to look for in sealed events.

Ok let’s talk about these Challenger decks then. So I’ve played them against each other, and in a tournament that wouldn’t be too dissimilar to a FNM.

So Challenger decks are in WotC’s own words “intended to be playable and competitive right out of the box”.

In the rather attractive cardboard boxes you get standard legal 60 card deck, with a 15 card sideboard, plus a countdown life counter die.

So who is the target audience for these decks? I’d say new and returning players that want a deck that they can buy and play straight away at a FNM, and overtime up grade and make their own. And as WotC have said maybe win a game or two.

I know that at current card prices certain Challenger decks will sell a lot faster than others. That’s going to be mainly because for experienced players those decks represent a cheaper way to get their hands on copies of certain cards. So I’m hoping that WotC are doing a massive print run to keep these decks in stock for the intended audience to buy and play with.

I have to say playing these decks against each other was fun. In our limited number of games they seemed fairly balanced against each other. So I can see these being great for casual play also.

After the store championship today against competitive Magic players, I think the deck did as intended. For a precon it held it’s own. I won some games, lost more, but some of those games were fairly close also.

There is one fault with these decks. If the intended audience is the new and returning players, where are the tokens to go with these decks? This Vehicle Rush deck generates energy and 1/1 thopter tokens. So why weren’t these included? WotC give you the tokens needed with Commander decks. I’d argue that new players wouldn’t have the necessary tokens, and very likely nor would the returning player.

I’d definitely recommend these decks. They are fun to play, and give a solid basis to make the deck yours.

Magical Wizard Wars

What happens when 2 wizards go to war? Well if you are the third person at that stand off you get to sit on the side watching fire balls and enchantments fly around.

Today in a pretty fun Commander game 2 arcane wizardry decks went up against each other, while a Hapatra snake token deck mainly got to do nothing.

My arcane wizardry deck has been upgraded to be focused around Kess as the commander, and her ability. So it has less focus on getting wizards out on the battle field, and more focus on instants and sorceries, and playing them multiple times using Kess’s ability and naturally other spells that do a similar thing or make a copy of a spell that has been cast. Most of my upgrade is based on the $20 upgrade from this MTGoldfish article. I’ve strayed a little with the odd card. And I’ll put the list I’m playing with up at some point soon. I did find at one point in this game wishing I had an unlimited hand size. I can fix that by trying to squeeze in a Thought Vessel.

The other wizard at the table was also using the arcane wizardry deck but with no upgrades, and had Inalla as the commander. So they wanted to get lots of wizards out to make use of Inalla’s ability.

By the end of the game Hapatra was costing 18 mana to get out. Yeah we were controlling that battlefield. These wizard decks are reactive, especially mine. So it must have been a bit frustrating for the student. I have to admit it almost became a challenge how much can we push up that casting cost of Hapatra?

By the time it had come to delivering my winning blow I had about 8 2/2 blue drakes on the field. Not bad for a deck not specifically aimed at playing creatures.

My killing blow was most apt for a Kess deck. I cast a Comet Storm, with an X of 28, kicked, and because I paid one of the 2 mountains required using a transformed Primal Amulet I was able to copy the spell!

I know after playing this game I need a card in that gives me an unlimited hand size. It would have come in real handy when I pulled back all my instants and sorceries from the graveyard to avoid them being exiled by a bit of graveyard hate. I have an artefact that will do this. But what do I lose to fit it in?

From the spoilers I’ve seen for Dominaria (the next set), there are one or two wizards that would sit nicely in an upgraded Inalla deck. I know there are a couple of angels I want in my angel deck. I’m hoping to have the first attempt at the Elf Tribal deck done next week. Then it’s some play testing. Followed by getting the angel deck done.

Dinosaur Tribal Brawl Deck

This post will come as no surprise to anyone, especially after I said I’d put this list up in my previous post on Brawl. Yep jumping on the bandwagon like so many on the interweb whether they are youtubers or just players of the game, I’m putting up a Brawl deck list.

But before I start talking any more shite about deck building etc, I’m not claiming to be a brilliant deck builder, or that this is the greatest deck ever. This like the other decks I’ve put up here on the blog are just that decks I’ve built and enjoyed playing and decided to share with the world. Remember I don’t take part in FNM, or competitions, I’m just a casual player who enjoys building decks to play with. Feel free to suggest improvements, glaring mistakes, explain to me why my commander is the worst one ever, or why card X is better than card Y in the comments. If you haven’t commented before I need to approve your first comment but after that you don’t need me to approve anything. It’s just a little anti spam measure that hopefully isn’t too much of a hinderance.

For my first Brawl deck list I’ve gone with a dinosaur tribal deck based upon my dinosaur tribal Commander deck. With that as my starting point I first removed all the none Standard legal cards. This included all those cards not in Standard but legal in Commander, plus any cards that are banned in Standard (which in my Commander deck was 2 cards). That left me with around 74 cards. 14 too many for a Brawl deck.

Naturally I’m sticking with the same commander, Zacama, Primal Calamity. I don’t like playing against him. He’s so oppressive. In our meta once he’s out with the mana to back him up he’s stomping all over the battlefield. It’s basically game over. But how did I select which creatures stayed and which didn’t? With none of the Commander staples for mana ramp, the creatures that tapped for mana or gave me a discount had to stay. The Elder dinos were going to stay, then I went with creatures that gave me some ability when played, and stayed away from those that had the enrage ability in general. When I looked at the deck list when writing the post I thought I’m light on lands. Ideally there should be 23/24. But then I remembered with the creatures that tap for mana or give a discount, plus enchantments that increase the mana I can tap for, Growing Rites of Itlimoc, and Immortal Sun there is a bit of ramp and extra mana hidden elsewhere. There is also some tutoring with Commune, Forerunner, and Harvest Season. So with the tools or should that be cards? That I have this ain’t too bad a deck.

Here are the pretty pics the Decked app generates for me.

So the Brawl version has a slightly higher AMC to the Commander deck which has an AMC of 4.19.

So after all that waffle here is my first Brawl deck, Dinosaur Tribal.

Counts : 60 main


1 Kinjalli’s Caller
1 Drover of the Mighty
1 Otepec Huntmaster
1 Raptor Hatchling
1 Atzocan Seer
1 Deathgorge Scavenger
1 Frilled Deathspitter
1 Kinjalli’s Sunwing
1 Ranging Raptors
1 Thrashing Brontodon
1 Forerunner of the Empire
1 Knight of the Stampede
1 Ripjaw Raptor
1 Charging Monstrosaur
1 Charging Tuskodon
1 Crested Herdcaller
1 Raging Swordtooth
1 Regisaur Alpha
1 Burning Sun’s Avatar
1 Carnage Tyrant
1 Etali, Primal Storm
1 Gishath, Sun’s Avatar
1 Polyraptor
1 Wakening Sun’s Avatar
1 Zetalpa, Primal Dawn
1 Zacama, Primal Calamity
1 Ghalta, Primal Hunger


1 By Force
1 Commune with Dinosaurs
1 Silent Gravestone
1 Abrade
1 Blood Sun
1 Crushing Canopy
1 Gift of Paradise
1 Growing Rites of Itlimoc
1 Harvest Season
1 New Horizons
1 Fumigate
1 Vanquisher’s Banner
1 The Immortal Sun
1 Star of Extinction


5 Forest
6 Mountain
5 Plains
1 Scattered Groves
1 Stone Quarry
1 Sunpetal Grove

Easter Pulls Part 3

A little Easter day fun to start off the third and final post on my Easter pulls. Why I didn’t think to do something like this earlier I don’t know. Personally I think Nico would make a rather good Planeswalker. He certainly could replace Nicol Bolas for scheming. Not long after Loki arrived I remember having both dogs on my lap and catching Nico shoving Loki off onto the floor when he thought I wasn’t looking! Mind you Loki is just as evil. Take this morning for example when I thought he was just after some attention, a little tummy rub. Oh no he came over and threw up all over me. I tell you these attack chihuahuas are pure evil.

So let’s get on and look at the last of my Easter pulls.

What a final 3 packs. Thalia was one I’d seen in the spoilers etc and a “that would be nice to have, but…” so to pull her is a real treat. Caustic Tar Pit is a nice pull, and will go into a Commander deck, maybe my revisited Scarab God deck. Highland Lake a land, always want them. Stoneforge Masterwork is screaming tribal deck to me.

Advance warning, this Friday sees the Challenger decks and final ever Duel deck hitting your FLGS. Got mine ordered and paid for. So look out for some coverage of those.

Easter Pulls Part 2

So here we are Saturday, day 2 of opening the booster packs I bought. Apart from Timber Gorge, I wasn’t really over thrilled by these 3 packets. Nothing really jumped out for decks that I’m currently brewing.

Yesterday I caught an announcement by CardKingdom that they have added a new product to their offerings. As long suffering readers will sadly recall I like their rookie and battle decks. So when CardKingdom announce they will be now be selling limit copies of a cube for $99 then I’m interested. This is aimed at those who want to start obviously playing MtG and draft using a cube. The cube being offered by CardKingdom is a 360 card cube, which supports between 4 – 8 players drafting. If at the end of April they have any left I’m going to treat myself to one as a 50th birthday present to myself and to celebrate my new job that I’ll be starting at the start of May. Oh yeah I’m moving on. My time at my current employer is coming to an end. I’ll maybe write more about this in May. I’ve been interested in the cube format for a while, just not enough to do anything about it. However the announcement yesterday got me thinking about it again. I like the idea of building a tribal themed cube, using elves, goblins, vampires, and menfolk with possibly a fifth tribe that I’m undecided about.

Easter Pulls Part 1

As I threatened yesterday when I told you about my Easter present to myself, here is the first post with the pulls from the first three packs.

I’m really happy with Utopia Sprawl, Weirding Wood, Ensnaring Bridge, Corrupted Crossroads and Submerged Boneyard. The first two will fit nicely into my Elf Tribal Commander deck that I’m working on. The other two, well, it’s always good to have more land options when deck building. Why didn’t I mention Joraga? I already have her, and her inclusion in the that elf deck will be dependent on which Commander I choose. I haven’t made that decision yet. I can see Ensnaring Bridge being a good card to put in a Commander deck to shut down those decks that like to swing in with big creatures.

See you in tomorrow’s post.

Brawl Play First Impressions

So the curiosity for brawl has been satisfied. I thought I’d be writing this over the Easter hols. But I managed to get 3 games in yesterday. So here are my initial impressions of the new format.

I was going to build a dinosaur tribal deck over the weekend. But then I had the bright idea of using my dinosaur tribal commander deck as the basis for the brawl deck. As it turned out after I removed all the non-standard legal cards from the deck I was left with 59 cards, I added a single extra basic land, and that became my dinosaur tribal deck for brawl. My second deck was a mono green deck (deck list in another post) that was going to try and abuse etb effects and energy counters.

One of my students knocked together a menfolk deck from the cards he had with him. So lending my dino tribal deck to another student we played some games of brawl.

We played 3 games in about an hour forty. So brawl games are a little quicker then Commander games. Or can be. Playing it the games are basically commander. So if you like Commander then you will like playing brawl I think. The deck building side is challenging not having the Commander staples to call upon. But that’s an interesting twist and constraint to the deck building. Sometimes there isn’t an alternative and you have to work around it. For instance my mono green deck may have to evolve to a different commander so that I can splash in a second colour and get access to some board wipes of some description. I felt that was an element that the deck was missing when I played it.

The games were fun. The speed of the games did surprise me. The games we played I enjoyed, despite not winning. Although today as I write this I did get to play my dino tribal deck and stomped my way to glory. It’s not nice being on the other end of this dino deck. I can testify to that from yesterday. I’m almost coming to the conclusion that Zacama is too powerful. Once that hits the battlefield mid game, with lots of land to use to pay for it’s abilities, it’s almost game over. Well that’s how it appears in the local meta at the moment.

For me I think brawl will be for when I want that Commander experience but don’t have the time to play Commander, like during a lunch break for instance.

Let’s brawl

Last week WotC made some interesting announcements. Announcements that I’m pretty sure a few MtG podcasts whichever format they cover will discus, dissect, and over analyse with far superior insight than myself.

First up WotC announced a new format for MtG. A kind of Commander lite, called Brawl.

Brawl is meant to be an easier version of Commander for new players to get into. Here is a brief summary of the brawl specific rules:

  • 60 card Singleton (apart from basic lands there can only be a single copy of a card in the deck) decks
  • 30 starting life
  • Only legal cards in Standard can be used
  • Commanders can be legendary creatures or Planeswalkers
  • No commander damage

Otherwise it follows the Commander rules for everything not covered above.

I’m not sure how I feel about this new format. I’m definitely curious. But there is some doubt about do we really need it? Why not just play Commander? If you read the WotC articles that have gone up about the format and the announcements tied up with it, they argue it has a lower barrier to entry, easier to get into, than Commander especially for new players to the game with smaller collections (which may be just the current set released). It’s interesting to see that WotC see Brawl as an introduction to Commander and Standard. I thought the new Challenger decks were/would serve as that. The question I have is this just a format to sell more booster packs? If this takes off won’t it just push up the price of cards in standard, and thus making the barrier to entry to standard even more expensive? Which is something I thought they didn’t want to do.

I don’t see getting into Commander as that expensive or with the imminent arrival of Challenger decks Standard also. Buying a precon for Commander and upgrading it doesn’t have to be an expensive thing to do. Recently I under took that very exercise with the 2017 Arcane Wizardry precon. After putting my amazing google ninja skills to work I found an article that did a $20 upgrade for the deck (I’ve now ordered the cards from a sister post for the dragons precon). But there are a few articles/videos out there with tips for upgrading them. And I would imagine that not long after the Challenger decks hit, that a few articles will appear on how to upgrade them. Once you get a precon you start to get some of the Commander staples that are needed for building your own decks.

Naturally as a format this is going to have a changing card base. So for Commander players there are going to be a few challenges in building these Brawl decks because all of a sudden staples like Sol Ring are gone. How do you mana ramp in Standard? With that shifting card base decks will also need to change, and I can see certain styles of play coming and going. A deckbuilders paradise.

I think there will be some interesting decks built for Brawl. I’m working on 2 at the moment. Mainly because I want to at least try the format. So our MtG tournament over Easter will now be a Brawl tournament instead of a Commander tournament. I’m doing the 2 decks so that Dale can join in. One will be a Dino tribal deck which will be the one I’ll give to Dale to play. Whilst mine is probably going to be mono green, trying to use the etb effect to my advantage. I’d like to keep bouncing creatures to get multiple etb use from a card. But I need to solve how to do that in Standard.

Tied up with the new format is the poster child for it, the buy a box promo legendary creature, Firesong and Sunspeaker Minotaur Cleric.

This card will only be available as a promo and only when you buy a booster box while stocks last. I think it’s pre-orders only too. But I may be wrong on that front. So yes like many I’ll probably be building a deck with it as the commander. Although I gather there may be some complaints about this exclusivity.

The final announcement was that WPN authorised stores (ie your FLGS) are allowed to sell booster boxes a week early at the pre-release events! Great news for the FLGS (especially US ones that have to compete with the likes of massive chains like Walmart for your MtG money, UK FLGS don’t have that competition yet to my knowledge). Pre-release weekend is going to be massive for the FLGS. But is it only shifting sales from one weekend to another? Hopefully it will get more people taking part in the pre-release events.

What do you think about this news? If you haven’t commented before I need to approve your first comment then after that you can comment as often as you like without my approval. This was the least intrusive way to cut out on spam. So I hope it hasn’t put too many folks off from leaving comments.

Rivals of Ixalan Commander Favourites Part 2

And I’m back with the second post looking at cards from Rivals of Ixalan that I like for Commander.

The first card for this post is Mastermind’s Acquisition. A 4 CMC black sorcery that allows you to tutor (that’s MtG talk I believe for search) for a card in either your library or outside the game. So you can bet I’m taking a pile of ‘useful’ cards with me to Commander games when I have this in my deck. Those ‘useful’ cards will for me be those cards that very nearly made it in to the 99. My reasoning is if they were good enough to be almost in, then they are good enough to be in what will effectively be a sideboard. The reason I’d take this approach is it’s less hassle than taking my whole collection along to games with me.

Although there are 6 of them, this is only really one choice, and it’s the Elder dinosaurs. These are BFD’s (Think about it). I think one or two are slightly weaker than the others. But if you need a big hitter with a nice added bonus then these fit in nicely to any none tribal deck. Etali is the commander for my mono red deck, with Zacama the commander of my dinosaur tribal deck. I think that that should tell you what I think of those cards.

Oppressive board state

The past week there has been a more Commander slant to our games of Magic at work.

Last week I was playing my decks (Dinosaurs Tribal, Mono Red with Land Hate, the cheaply upgraded Arcane Wizardry 2017 precon, even my first ever built Commander deck with Scarab God saw play). But this week I wanted to play with the two Anthology decks (Guided by Nature and Evasive Maneuvers) that I hadn’t played with yet.

The first game with Guided by Nature that I played really did drag on. It was one of those epic long Commander games. Constant board wipes stopped me from getting set up. Eventually one of the students won with one of their 2017 precon decks. I don’t remember which one it was.

Yesterday instead of playing Evasive Maneuvers I went once more with the Guided by Nature deck. I had a great start to the game, after about 4 turns I was ahead on mana, I got my Commander out, was starting to build up a board presence. Then bam! Board wipe. I survived a second one too but with not such a big board state in front of me. Then I got the card Praetor’s Council that put my graveyard back in my hand, gave me no maximum hand size for the rest of the game. It was basically game over after that. I had a lot of mana, was able to tap Priest of Titania for lots of extra mana, I was getting an elf token every time I cast an elf, all my green spells cost one less to cast, my Commander gave me an elf Druid token, I was drawing a card for each none token creature that entered the battlefield that I cast. My turns were getting insane. Then I drew into Wellwisher and adding 1 life for each elf on the battlefield. The maths was getting silly. The inevitable happened I was able to swing in with lots of creatures that had been buffed up to some insane levels, and get the damage through as if the creatures had not been blocked. This deck was working just like the Strictly Better MtG Pauper Elf Deck. Which I enjoy playing.

I was going to build an elf tribal deck for Commander. But I think that Guided by Nature has a lot of the cards I want in my deck, including the Commander. So I think I may get a second copy of this and upgrade it. There are a few big creatures in this deck that although they have some great abilities are not elves, and so not really suitable for an elf tribal deck. So I’ll change my plan and look at how to upgrade this deck.

The photo below is my board state when I won with Guided by Nature yesterday. The photo was taken by a student who kindly gave me permission to use it here.

When I got home the latest kickstarter to come to fruition arrived The Flow of History. I’d nearly forgotten about this one until the email arrived saying it was being sent out. Somehow TMG had been a bit lapse in sending out kickstarter updates, or if they had I’d missed them totally.

I had to watch a YouTube video to refresh my poor memory what exactly the game was about. I also had to go back to the kickstarter page and remind myself what the extras were from the stretch goals. So basically I have here a card based civilisation style game, that has an auction mechanic, and is pretty aggressive! There is even a 2 player variant that uses a ghost third player.

I think this will be my third civ style/themed game in my collection. At the moment I think the three would all fall on the light to mid scale of things. I really do want to try one or two of the heavier/longer civ games out there.

Along with Tao Long this will be burning a hole on my shelf’s waiting to be played. Soon to be joined by The Manhattan Project 2 which is getting sent out to the kickstarter backers in the next couple of weeks I believe.