One of the things I love about MtG is the deck building and how expressive that deck building allows a player to be. Often decks (at a casual level anyway) reflect the person that built them in some way. God knows what my decks say about me.
This post is a housekeeping post for me. It’s my list of Commander decks that I would like to build. I know this is boring for those that read this blog. But I need to keep a record somewhere and this list and keeping it up to date is that.
Everyone knows I’m old and have a failing memory. So before old age catches up with me, and makes me forget I’m adding a new deck idea to the list.
With the recent reprinting of Crucible of Worlds that allows lands to be played from the graveyard, and Scapeshift that allows you to fetch lands after sacrificing lands, it got me thinking about a deck using the graveyard as an extension of your hand of cards. Yeah not a new idea, and a little late to the party since Muldrotha was printed in Dominaria. To some extent the Kess wizards deck is this idea but for instants and sorceries.
And I thought I have Muldrotha, and now have Crucible of Worlds and Scapeshift. I have Eternal Witness and The Gitrog Monster. So some “key” pieces that I’d require for a deck based on this idea. So like the Horror from the deep deck idea, I have some key cards, I just need to start assembling the initial deck. With Muldrotha I want to play cards from the graveyard irrespective of their card type. So this may even see Kess make an appearance as one of the 99.
Here is the new list of deck ideas.
- Muldrotha, the gravetide
- Infect/wither deck (Atraxa as the commander possibly)
- Atraxa deck upgraded
- Horror from the deep
- Death and Taxes
- Care bear
- Abuse etb – Brago, King Eternal as the commander
- Saproling and fungus (go wide or go home!) possible Commander Slimefoot, the Stowaway

Spoiler season started Sunday for the Commander 2018 decks (which are due to be in our grubby hands on 10th August). Each day this week the official spoilers will be based around one of the decks.
The 2018 Commander decks will see Planeswalkers returning as Commanders. All 4 have been spoiled (due to a leak). I’ve only come across one good image of the officially spoiled Commander, which is Saheeli, the gifted. So I’ll share those as good images come available.
There were also other cards spoiled yesterday which were all related to the Saheeli deck. I’ve highlighted the 3 cards from those cards that I can see going into other decks of mine.
I do have a complete set of the 4 decks on pre-order. The decision for me now is which ones to double down on to use the cards in other decks. Out of the 2017 decks I got 3 out of the 4 to use for deck building or upgrading.
At the moment the Commanders aren’t jumping out to me. However the themes
- Izzet (Blue-Red) Artifacts “Exquisite Invention”
- Jund (Black-Red-Green) Lands “Nature’s Vengeance”
- Bant (White-Blue-Green) Enchantments “Adaptive Enchantment”
- Esper (White-Blue-Black) Top of Library Matters “Subjective Reality”