The other day I wrote about how I was excited to be getting some 28mm triffid miniatures printed, and that I’d be using the Last Days: Evolution rules from issue 2 of Blaster with them in a Last Days game.
However to do this I need to come up with the stats for the triffids (I need to fill in the template below). Considering the miniature design is that of the 1980’s BBC adaptation of Day of the Triffids. I want the stats to reflect that as much as possible. Although I will use aspects of the other portrayals of triffids that make sense or fill in any gaps.

So off to the internet to research triffids!
Well first I clicked on the link Duncan had shared with me (The Prop Gallery – link at bottom of post). The link goes to a page about the BBC 1981 triffid prop. Apart from the cool photos that will come in handy when it comes time to paint the triffid miniatures, the relevant bit of info for me was the height of the triffids made, “Standing over nine feet in height“. The Wikipedia page adds to this with information from the novel, “Adult triffids are typically 7 feet (2.1 m) in height. European triffids never exceed 8 feet (2.4 m), but in tropical climates they can reach 10 feet (3.0 m).” and from a sequel story, “a small number of North American triffids reach 60 feet (18 m) in height.”
I was going to have the triffids move slower than a zombie until I came across the following snippet, “Nevertheless, ungainly though it looked, it was contriving to cover the ground at something like an average walking pace.” (Wikipedia)
I got an idea for how tough a triffid are from this “blasting with a shotgun or decapitating with a triffid gun (which fires steel boomerangs called ‘bolts’). Bullets are less effective since a triffid can absorb much damage before dying.” (RGtDotT)
So I think if the attacker uses a shotgun or machete then they can “decapitate” the triffid and kill it.

Let’s look at the triffids weapon, which is its stinger. “a stinger which, when fully extended, can measure 10 feet (3.0 m) in length. When attacking, a triffid will lash the sting at its target, primarily aiming for its prey’s face or head, with considerable speed and force. Contact with bare skin can kill a person instantly.” (Wikipedia)
“Have you noticed that when they attack they always go for the unprotected parts? Almost always the head—but sometimes the hands. And another thing: if you look at the statistics of casualties, just take notice of the proportion that has been stung across the eyes and blinded.” (Wikipedia)
Over on the Readers Guide there was this interesting little snippet that I want to try and use if possible. “… but the range can be increased by 1.2–1.5 meters/4–5 feet if it sways forward beforehand.” (RGtDotT)

So how does this translate into stats and all those key words for behaviour and traits?
For the Action Points (AP) I am giving the triffids the same as a basic zombie. This should give it the movement of a walking person. Triffids can’t run. Naturally for Close Quarter Combat (CQC) this just isn’t applicable. Triffids are a ranged attack only. Although technically not a fire arm, the stinger is a ranged weapon. The Fire Arms (FA) stat needs to give the triffid a reasonable chance of hitting it’s target. So I am going to take that from the stat block of a survivor. As defined in the core rule book (page 12) I don’t see the Strength (S) stat being relevant to a triffid. For the time being I’m not sure that Endurance (E) is applicable either. But that may need revisiting. For Damage Capacity (C) I’m making the triffids tougher than humans, but this is mainly for use when being attacked by a weapon that is not a shotgun or machete. I think a triffids might be deadlier than a zombie, but not as scary. So I’m initially giving them a slightly lower “Horror” value. But once gain this may need revisiting. Although a triffid displays signs of intelligence, I am giving them a zero value for this just like a zombie.
I can see “stalking” or “shambling” being suitable here for the Behaviour. But my gut tells me to go “shambling”, but noting that a triffid can’t use the climb action.
What traits to give the triffid? I think “massive” for sure. Triffids can’t enter buildings, and they are a lot bigger than humans. They are easier to hit. For “frequency” I’m going to mimic that of the regular zombie spawning. The other one I am adding is “You’ve Got To Shoot Them In The Head!” if a shotgun or machete is being used.

Next I have to spec out the stinger. I think if a target is under a foot away from the triffid then it can’t hit the target. I’m not sure how to implement the sway yet to extend the range. I think it will be a brand new special rule. Damage is interesting, and initially I’m making it the equivalent of a gun. Rate of Fire (RoF) is easy the triffid can only use it’s stinger once per round to attack. Knock back isn’t applicable, nor is reload.
For the special rules, the stinger is definitely silent. However I think that there will need to be a new special rule to handle the sway to increase the range of the stinger by up to 5 feet. I also think there need to be special rules to cater for the triffid targeting the head and also whether it hit bare skin. This later point is more important for a campaign and deciding if the character becomes blind. The head shot will be a kill shot. But need to think about this. I think maybe 1d6, with a 6 being the headshot.
Please note: These stats have not been play tested. I repeat have not been play tested. They are my initial thoughts, and a work in progress. They are likely to change once I get a chance to play test them.

I hope you find these stats useful. Let me know what you think. Did you use them? How did you get on with them? What did you tweak? I really would appreciate any feedback you have.
Taking this further and adding evolutions is a possibility. The sequel mentions “Aquatic triffids” (Wikipedia), along with using the different sized varieties of land based triffids, particularly the 60 foot American variety one. Maybe use the different appearances of the triffid from the other adaptations and the original book. But I’ll leave that for others to investigate, and spec out, for now.
To do:
- Play test this!
- Special rules for sway, head shot and bare skin.
- Come up with campaign additions to cover a character becoming blind if they survived an attack and got hit on bare skin.
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