Category Archives: deck building

Inspiration Strikes

Apparently Nath and the two attack chihuahuas Nico and Loki have one thing in common. That’s that they don’t like going out in the rain.

With the heavens pouring down Nath was adamant he would not be going for a walk in the rain. Despite me pointing out we have coats, and I have a tarp/poncho that could be used to keep us dry during the coffee stop. Nath remained unconvinced.

Instead we went into town.

Yes it was raining.

No Nath didn’t take a rain coat with him.

Yes after we had lunch at Burger King and made our way to the game shop he “borrowed” my umbrella.

Somehow at the game shop another booster box for Star Wars Unlimited Shadow of the Galaxy ended up in my possession.

After checking another couple of possible stores that on the off chance sold singles we headed home to crack open some packs.

We got some good pulls that went to building my Luke/Hera Twin Suns deck (details soon).

However as we were cracking open packs and sharing the cool cards we’d pulled (like foils, full art etc) I thought how cool it would be to do a mandalorian themed deck for Twin Suns. I think this would qualify as a tribal deck as we’d call it in MtG. Just the thought of the possibility was getting me excited.

Next thing I know I’m sorting out all of the mandalorian cards we’d pulled. And I’m sure I’ll bore you with a post about it in the near future too.

Earlier in the day (before we went to town) I taught Nath Dice Masters using the X-Men Forever campaign box. These campaign boxes are aimed at two players, and meant to give them everything they need to play.

Using the suggested cut down setup recommended in the included rules book I taught Nath how to play. I should say it’s impossible without the aid of a phone camera to work out what the setup is. The image is just too small and unreadable.

Nath won this first learning game.

I then separated the character cards into two piles. Villians in one, and X-Men in the other. Nath was then given the choice of which he’d like to play. He went bad guys.

We then built our 8 character teams, got the appropriate dice (another fault with this campaign box they got away with the bare minimum they could get away with).

After a very tactical game I managed to get to the position of being able to deliver a winning blow.

Later before tea (a roast dinner) and just chilling watching The Retirement Plan. Nath and I played a couple more games of Star Wars Unlimited.

These were comfortable games for me with Nath not really able to mount any real defence to hold in and get back in the game. It wasn’t one sided my base took damage. It’s just I was able to smash face before Nath found any answers.

Despite the disappointment of not going for a walk. We had a great day.

No Snazzy Title

So here we are with my first Twin Suns deck, and also my first ever deck for Star Wars Unlimited.

Unlike building a Commander deck where I have a rough idea of the number of cards of each type I need to have in a deck, such as the amount of removal, ramp, etc.

I have no idea what is optimal for a Twin Suns deck.

Just under half (22 cards) of this deck are events. It has a single upgrade. Only seven space units, and twenty ground units.

Oh before I go any further I do need to issue a boiler plate DISCLAIMER. At no point should this post, the deck, be taken seriously. I have no idea whatsoever if the deck is any good, or even works. I’m still in the process of getting the cards needed. I then need to play it a few times. Contemplate on how the deck did, make changes. Rinse and repeat. In other words like all other decks I’ve built in other games, it’s a living deck.

Let’s start with my two leaders for this Twin Suns deck and the base.

So the theme of this deck is trying to get as much secondary value out of an attack as possible. Particularly targeting opponents bases. Sabine gives me that. Jyn and the base I hope works well with her by allowing me to keep Sabine (and other attackers) out doing their thing for longer by reducing or even eliminating the damage taken in attacking another unit. So I can remove threats and whittle down the bases health.

Let’s get started with the showing you the initial cards that make up this deck. I’ll start with the ground units.

Ground Units

I’m not expecting to get a chance to play the Krayt Dragon. But if I do it’s going to be hilarious. Especially if I bounce back everyone’s battlegrounds to their hands before hand. But there is no ramp in this deck. So eight rounds before I get to play it.

Space Units

If there is an area I think I’m light on it’s here.


I like that there are “board wipes”, and “targeted removal” cards. I have both types in this deck. I can’t wait to combo Evacuate with The Chads of War. That will be hilarious. I’ve also got a little discard action going on with a card or two. The shenanigans these cards will cause are me, and the sort of thing I like to do with my decks.

The basic idea is disrupt my opponents enough to put my plan into action.


My one and only upgrade, and it’s a bounty.

Obviously the idea is to play it on an opposing unit.

Card Cost Curve!

All cards

I’m happy with this curve. With over half the deck being cards I can play turn one, by turn four approximately ninety percent plus of the deck is playable. By turn four also it’s possible to play up to three cards depending on the hand I have.

It should come as no surprise that breaking the cost down by the three card types that the spread matches roughly the overall pattern.

Ground Units
Space Units

I have high hopes that this is a good basis to build from. But only actual games with the deck will prove that now.

I’m waiting on six cards to arrive and then the deck will be ready.

What do you think of the deck?

P.S. you can view the deck on SW Unlimited DB here.