Yesterday my good mate Gavin expressed an interest in trying D&D.
Today along with Diego via messenger we arranged a date to hold a one shot taster session.
Naturally that means along side my regularly D&D planning I now have a second session to prep for (hence this and possibly other posts).
The first thing I have to decide is what to run for a session that ideally is going to run for about three hours.
The options I’m considering are the following:
- The Lost Tomb of the Delian Order (by Matt Colville)
- The Obsidian Skull (from the City of Arches)
- The Goblin Ambush (from Lost Mines of Phandelver)
- 1st Level Adventure Generator (from Sly Flourish’s Uncovered Secrets Volume 2)
The last option will involve a little bit more work for me, requiring me to roll against tables to come up with something.
The Goblin Ambush might be too short, unless it then runs into the Cragmaw Caves. Which would then be too long.
I will use pre-gen character sheets, most likely the official D&D ones. But which?
I could use the ones intended for Lost Mines of Phandelver, or the new ones intended for Dragons of Stormwreck Isle.
But I am tempted to try the pre-gen characters for Sly Flourish’s Fantastic Adventures, or (iirc) a pack of pre-gen character sheets I got off the DMsGuild that were recommended by Mike Shea in a video or blog post at one time or the other in the past.
These alternatives to the official pre-gens in many ways are better as they have more info on them such as spell details. Which cuts down on the need for a players handbook or having to constantly refer to it.
Along side which ever pre-gen sheets I go with I’ll be using the Wizkids 2D miniatures that just arrived. I should try and match up the character sheets to the minis in advance!
Well that’s my initial thoughts on this upcoming taster session. I’m sure there will be others over the coming days that I’ll feel compelled to share on here.