We are fast approaching the Easter holidays. One more week and schools and colleges are closed for two weeks.
So inbetween preparing for the last term of the academic year there are opportunities to play some games in that break.
But there is a catch to this. Hardly anyone else is free to play anything. The majority of people are not working in education, so unless they book holiday, they are working for the man.
I know one or two of our gaming group are also in education. But sadly the universe has conspired to make life hard for them at the moment (that’s putting it mildly, and my thoughts are with them and their families).
But I suppose before I start worrying about what I’m playing over Easter, I should worry about surviving next weekend! It’s manic.
My killer weekend starts next Friday with work! We then have our NSPCC Big Board Game Day All Nighter. Twelve hours of gaming running from 7pm that Friday to 7am Saturday morning. I then have to be in Cambridge by 10am for PiWars where some of my students are entering a Raspberry Pi controlled robot.
So potentially I’m home by 6pm on the Saturday. If I’m really lucky a bit earlier than that.
I think it’s fair to say I may be a tad tired by that point, and ready to drop.
If you’d like to show your support for our charity effort for the NSPCC by throwing money at us (doesn’t matter how large or small the donation is, every little helps) we have a Just Giving page for our fund raising. Thank you in advance for any generosity you show.
I know it’s hard, especially after just being hit also by Red Nose Day, and it’s the last week before payday (if you are paid monthly). So if it’s not possible to make a donation that’s cool. We totally understand. But if you could spread the word to your friends and family instead that would help us just as much, and we’d really appreciate it.
I’d also like to thank you for taking the time to read the above. Your support means a lot to me. Thank you.
Then I’m going to close this post off with a picture from the past of the original wolf pack and me, that Facebook decided to remind me of.