Before I go into the rest of the post a little peak behind the curtain of running this blog.
About seven weeks ago the jetpack plugin for WordPress (the software used to run this blog) stopped working.
I had no clue why.
At the time I didn’t have the time to investigate why, so I just deactivated it.
Which meant I wasn’t getting any stats for the blog, no social media sharing etc. Basically I had no idea if anyone was reading my ramblings. Wait let me correct that. I had no idea how few people were reading my poorly put together thoughts.
About three weeks ago I finally got round to trying to sort out the issue.
It’s been a tiring bouncing between initially WordPress support, then the jetpack support and my hosting provider bluehost.
The jetpack support also involved the development team, who would ask for something to be checked, or changed on the server. That would then require me to contact the bluehost support.
There were a couple of permission issues. But finally yesterday a bluehost support person ran a repair on the WordPress database and all of a sudden the jetpack plugin was alive once more.
So long story short, something technically wasn’t working, now it is!

Just dropped through the letterbox is the latest Alien RPG cinematic expansion Heart of Darkness. The third and final part of a three part series called the Draconis Strain Saga (Chariot of the Gods, and Destroyer of Worlds being the other two parts). Although it can also be played as a stand alone cinematic adventure.

You do need either the core rulebook or the starter set rules to play.
I haven’t had a chance to play the RPG, but I’m hoping to rectify that soon. In the meantime I might just look at the three expansions as a whole and give my impression of the adventures, contents, etc.
Imminent arrivals
Finally nearly a year later Renegade will any day now be sending out the promised “We’re sorry” promo packs for the missing promo card that was meant to be sent out with orders last September or October last year.
Also due anytime now is the replacement dice for The One Ring second edition plus the hard copy of The Ruins of the Lost Realm.
Then by the end of this week the preorder of Twilight Inscription should arrive. I’m looking forward to playing this roll and write.