It’s a struggle to write this post or any really because most of my time is taken up with Dolly and helping her settle in at the moment.
However she is so well behaved, except when it comes to food. Dolly is such a fast eater. To give Nico and Loki a chance I have to take Dolly out for a little walk.
But she is such an amazing character. I’m really lucky to have her share her life with me.
Let’s start off this summary post of gaming with December.
Like previous years this December was no different with few gaming opportunities due to all that seasonal stuff going on. Add on top of that the chest infection. What you end up with is very little gaming happening.
The surprise game of the month was getting an opportunity to play Thunderbirds the board game. But I’ll write that up as a separate post.
I’m not going to compare the figures with 2023, but I played more games this year, and a lot more new games to me were played. Which did surprise me.
I think one gaming highlight of the year for me was getting back into Dice Masters. It’s still as much fun as I had remembered. Plus creating new ways to play with others such as building a cube and drafting helped find others to play the game with me.
Ok here is the full list of the 93 games I played in 2024.
My game of 2024
I played 72 new to me games this year. That’s the majority of the games I played in 2024.
Obviously I haven’t bought 72 new games this year.
Using the filters within the Bgstats app I was able to find out that 35 of those games were mine. Or I bought my own copy after playing someone else’s copy. Cubed is one such example.
The full list of new to me games is shown below.
So out of these games which is my game of 2024?
It was close. I nearly went with my most played game of the year Star Wars Unlimited. However I think that there has been one more deserving of the honour for me. That game is …
Strike is such a blast to play. It’s been a hit with those I’ve played it with.
It’s quick to play, so much fun. There are great random dice roll moments. We’ve laughed a lot.
And it’s those reasons that Strike is my game of 2024.
I’ll just end this boring round up by wishing everyone a