In the past I have written a couple of posts about playing or trying D&D for free. Granted it’s not entirely free as you have to fork out for dice. But for all other intents and purposes it is.
Late last night I was watching the Sly Flourish video showing the contents of his latest book Fantastic Adventures: Ruins of the Grendleroot.
I like the Lazy DM books that he has written. They contain great advice and really useful info. I have some of that info printed out and in my DM folder. I have the books as PDF’s and audible books (yep I spent my Audible credits on these when I saw them available to listen to). One day I’ll get physical copies.
I also have two or three of the lazy lairs from the workbook printed out ready to use at the drop of a hat. In fact I took the warehouse from the docks lair and used that in my own campaign instead of having to create a warehouse myself.
The Fantastic Adventures and Fantastic Locations books also provide great resources that can be used by a DM at the drop of a hat. The adventures particularly are designed to be run in 2 to 4 hour sessions. Which for me is perfect.
So naturally this new book is something that is of interest to me. It also continues the ‘philosophy’ of Sly’s adventures of being something you can drop in your own campaign, and each adventure being playable in about 2 to 4 hours.
From the above and previous posts it’s obvious I’m a fan.
But what has this got to do with trying or playing D&D for free?
Well if you visit the link above for the book Sly has provided the first adventure from it for free as a preview. That’s great. But how is this relevant to trying D&D?
The first adventure is aimed at a party of level 1 characters. Plays in that sweet spot of 2 hours, and has advice for new DM’s. Plus there are also pregenerated characters available at the above link. This ticks all the boxes for trying D&D.
I think the hardest thing now for those wanting to try D&D (apart from what dice do you buy?) is which adventure do you run?
You can also get a free Fantastic Adventures adventure here. Which also has pregenerated characters. And a free Fantastic Location here.