And then there were three

It would seem the golden age of club nights is well and truly over.

Last night we were down to just three attendees, myself (naturally), Marcin, and Anthony.

I don’t know what’s changed.

Still the three of us had fun playing some great games.

We started off playing probably the most chilled game I own or have ever played, Tokaido.

I love the art style of the game. So much so I have the art book for it. If we don’t count the MtG art books I have for the handful of settings they did them for. I have only one other board game based art book, and that is the one for Scythe. Thinking about Stonemaier have a track record of printing art books (ok just the one) maybe they will reprint the Tokaido book at some point.

I’m glad Stonemaier picked up Tokaido. They are a great home for the game. In all the excitement around them announcing their edition I don’t remember any details where the app version stands. I quickly fired up the app (by Acram games) and its splash screen shows the Stonemaier logo. So I’m guessing as far as players there is no change and the app is still supported.

Despite being the first to complete a couple of paintings, meeting more interesting people, bathing in hot springs with mountain monkeys, I didn’t make any charitable donations at the temples. That decision cost me the win leaving the door open for Marcin to steal the win.

Our second game of the evening was Biblios.

I’d never played Biblios before. I own Biblios the dice game. Which I had played once.

It’s strange to think these two share the same dna!

I like Biblios but boy it’s so different from the dice game.

Sadly Marcin won’t this game too.

Our final game of the evening was Rebirth. Which I had pimped out with third party bags for the tiles, and 3D printed score trackers from Duncan.

I really do like rebirth.

Next time this gets to the table I’ll have to play the Ireland map. Which is meant to be more “gamer”.

Despite the lead constantly leap frogging between Anthony and myself during the game. Anthony won. But I did beat Marcin by a point. His streak for the night was at an end.

A great evening with great friends.

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