Yesterday I got mail.
Today I get to share with you what that mail was.
I bet you are dying to know.
First up my friend Byron designed and created a boardgame called Rock Hunters.
Byron very generously sent my a copy of the game to play.
I will be writing about that experience in a future post. But in the meantime look at the amazing job Byron did producing the game.

The other thing to arrive yesterday was the new D&D adventure by WotC Dragonlance Shadow of the Dragon Queen.
At the weekend a copy of the Dragonlance Campaign Setting for D&D 3.5 arrived. But I was waiting until now to mention it.
And guess what I’ll be writing about these also in another post!
So what’s the point of this post? Well it’s a “hey look what I got” type post, and a nice change I thought from my occasional “look I’m still alive” type post after I haven’t posted for a day or two.
See you in the next post on here.