A Pipe Dream

Despite the failure of the ‘experiment’ with our gaming group to find like minded people interested in playing/trying Paranoia or Judge Dredd: Worlds of 2000 A.D. (which was a little disappointing) I still dream of playing them and other RPGs at some point.

Despite Disney’s best attempts with the last two instalments of the trilogy, and less than subtle messages in the media, I’m still a big Star Wars fan. So it’s only natural that I’d want to play an RPG set in the Star Wars universe.

One of the options available to me is the FFG developed Star Wars RPG.

There are three versions of this to play depending on the focus your want for your characters. In Age of Rebellion you join the surprisingly the rebellion in it’s fight against the Empire. Edge of the Empire focuses more on smuggling and bounty hunting. Force and Destiny allows you to play Jedi and Sith. All three share the same core mechanics, and use custom dice from FFG (similar but not the same as the Genesys dice). The Star Wars RPG system is basically what the Genesys was based upon, but made more generic.

There is a Force Awakens intro box set that allows players to dip their toes before deciding if/which of the above three tracks they want to follow. There used to be a similar one that wasn’t tied in to a movie as well I believe.

Another option is the original 1987 Star Wars RPG that FFG reprinted a couple years back now to celebrate its anniversary. Which I do own. Which is a plus over the FFG one briefly discussed above.

There was an RPG between these two that I think was by WotC and was a d20 system. It should be possible to find second hand copies of this on the likes of eBay.

It’s nice to have these official versions, whether in print or not. They have done all the heavy lifting for you. But if you don’t want to use them there are other systems out there such as WOIN: N.E.W. , Genesys(!), Fate etc. However this option would require a bit, ok a lot of effort in advance. Luckily there is a wealthy of source material available on the Star Wars universe to help. However for me at the moment this is a route I’d like to avoid.

The nice thing about playing a Star Wars RPG in this day and age is what can be used by the GM and players during a session.

One option is the use of Star Wars Lego, especially the minifigures as a change from traditional miniatures.

But on the traditional miniatures front we are spoilt with what we can get. With the Imperial Assault game and it’s expansions there are a tonne of great minis available. The only drawback with this option is that the game has now come to the end of its life and no longer being printed by FFG. So that may push up the price of copies of the game and its expansions. Luckily for me I have 80% of what’s available. I think I’m only missing the last big expansion and the mini ones that accompanied its release.

FFG also have Star Wars Legion their skirmish game which has slightly larger sized minis. But this is is still being supported, so easier to get. The draw back for me on this is the assembling the miniatures.

With X-Wing and Armada it’s actually possible to use the models from these two miniature games to do space combat with in a session. Naturally the X-Wing models would be used for dog fight encounters, whilst Armada gives that more tactical higher level option. I like the idea of being able to run different types of space encounters. Unless you are buying the bigger ships, a lot of the models are really affordable, and prepainted. Although I’m now regretting getting rid of my X-Wing stuff.

It’s never been a better time to play a Star Wars RPG with all that we have available these days. Stuff we could only dream off back in the eighties.

Other RPGs I’d love to try that are based around an existing IP are the new Alien RPG, The Expanse RPG, and the Elite Dangerous RPG (yes based on the video game). I have the rules as a pdf for the first two but not the last one. Maybe one day.

2 thoughts on “A Pipe Dream

  1. After my foray into RPGs and finding my dislike for them, I wouldn’t be unhappy if I never encounter them again. For me there are several things I dislike about RPGs. The biggest of these is the actual role-play itself. Personally, I’m uncomfortable sitting in a group, with other players actually getting into their characters (with voices too); I don’t want to do that. This problem is compounded if you’re playing in a public place. I then feel I’m taking away the fun for the group by not immersing myself in the game. I don’t like the sandbox nature of them (while this is quite an attraction to others); I prefer board games where I am constrained. To get the most from them you need a group that wants to play for longer than I am comfortable with. Plus, you need the actual time to play (weekends are generally my family time, but that is when games are organised) and after work is not going to happen.
    The ones you mention, Judge Dredd (I’ve never been a fan), Paranoia and Star Wars, have another inherent problem for me – sci-fi. I can think of nothing worse than a sci-fi RPG!

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