Monthly Archives: March 2019

Jellyfish Hydra – playing with nature gone mad

Well it’s that time again where I cover another card in the Standard format that I like.

I’ve used this card myself. I got really lucky that I bought my copies at the right moment. Within a week of me buying my copies, the price shot up. I was feeling smug at the time. But also kicking myself for not getting at least a fourth, if not more copies. But then those extra copies I’d never have got round to selling, and I’m not into this whole MtG finance speculation thing. I have strong opinions about that side of things. In short I hate it.

The card I was lucky enough to get at a bargain price was Hydroid Krasis.

Whoever thought of crossing a jellyfish with a Hydra was a genetic genius. A person playing with nature and creating something beautifully monstrous.

This card is finding it’s way into many decks not just Simic ones. Many are splashing green just to play it.

For 2 CMC plus X this card is very flexible.

It’s the X that allows for the pumping of mana into it. The bigger the X the bigger benefits.

Because of this the first ability is so powerful especially mid to late game. Even if the card is countered, you still get the first ability because it’s a cast trigger not an etb.

Cast the card for a total of 10 mana, that means X is 8. That’s 4 life back, and 4 cards in hand. Refilling your hand at that stage of the game is really useful.

After that if the Krasis is allowed to enter the battlefield, having flying and trample makes it a great blocker and attacker. Especially if that X is high. Going back to the example above, having an 8/8 flyer with trample is more or less game over.

But at a push this can come out early in the game to use as a chump blocker to stop some of those pesky 1/1 fliers that are currently in the format.

With my Simic deck, the above mid/late game scenario is not unrealistic. But I have cast it for 4 CMC as well to get that flying blocker.