I know that this rant/post will draw flack from the MCDM/Matt Colville fanboy camp. That’s if they ever read this that is. Let’s face it the likely hood is very low.
However I need to voice my disappointment in MCDM and why I’m adding them to my list of companies I won’t give my hard earned money to.

Let’s jump back to I think it was 2020 when Matt Colville and his MCDM company did a kickstarter for what was basically the follow up to Strongholds and Followers, Kingdoms and Warfare.
Being a fan and interested in possibly adding the this to a campaign if the party ever got to a point where this interested them. I backed it.
Obviously during Kingdoms and Warfare’s development we had the whole pandemic thing going on, shipping costs going through the rough, etc etc.
But despite all that the book got finished and sent off to the printers.
It’s here that things start to go tits up for them.
There was a mistake in the printing of the book. Which initially wasn’t handled very well by the MCDM team. But give them credit where credit is due, they managed to turn things around and have options for a solution that backers could chose from.
I went with the option for the MCDM team to insert the sticker for me and then send the book. I didn’t trust myself to put the sticker in correctly, and I didn’t want to wait for a reprint without the error. I thought I had gone for the best solution for me.
However the delay in the MCDM inserting the sticker and sending the book got longer and longer. So long in fact it was looking like I might as well have waited for the reprint.
While this was all going on MCDM launched a new kickstarter for a new monster book for 5e. This was their priority now.
Then the next issue for MCDM arose. Shipping costs had gone up considerably and they needed time to find a cheaper solution.
Eventually a container was leaving for the EU at the end of January. From there the UK bound books would be shipped by container once more to the UK.
That was the last update from MCDM. There was an email saying that my rewards were going to be shipped soon. That was the end of March. Now at the end of April. Nada.
This kickstarter has been forgotten. Or more that those of us outside of the US seem to have been forgotten. No updates since January. Not acceptable.
So I emailed MCDM and left a comment on the kickstarter page. They have lost a customer here.
I think I’ve been patient and understanding.
But no more.
I did get an email offering a refund this morning, which I am taking.
I don’t want the book anymore.
This experience is leaving a bad taste in my mouth.
I like the stuff Matt Colville and his team do. I’ll still recommend his YouTube channel to others (especially the Delian Tomb). Although even that seems to be lower down on his priorities these days, and second fiddle to this Twitch stream.
So that’s why MCDM have joined my short list of companies that I will never give any more money to. They join Inside The Box and CMoN on my no buy list.