What I’m taking to Nath’s with me

I started an 8 day break from work today. Which means during this much needed period of R&R I’m going to visit Nathan for two or three days.

Before any visit I always mull over which games to take with me for us to play.

There are practical limitations to which games make the journey with me. The major one is the footprint of the game. Whatever I take needs to fit on Nath’s circular dinning table. So large footprint games are out of the question. No Star Wars Rebellion for Nath unless he comes up to visit.

I have Star Wars Outer Rim (his favourite game) and the Star Wars Deck Builder at Nath’s.

Nath likes MtG so I’m definitely taking Star Wars Unlimited with me. The plan is we choose a starter kit deck each and play them against each other. I’ll the crack open the Spark of Rebellion prerelease kit and we will use the boosters from that to “upgrade” our decks. After some games with the new decks I have booster boxes for Spark of Rebellion and Shadows of the Galaxy. Which we can crack packs open to once again strengthen our decks.

I’m also going to take the Dice Masters X-Men campaign box I have to teach Nath Dice Masters.

Unusual for me I’m going to leave it at that! Although I’m sure I’ll throw something in the bag at the last minute.

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