Tumble weeds

Wow I don’t think I’ve had this long between posts for like ever.

I’m most definitely still alive.

Gaming has taken place but I’ve been so tired from a six day tour of duty at work.

I’ve been getting home and barely getting the will power to do anything.

The times I have played something I’ve been limited to how late I could stay out. My curfew being earlier than Cinderella’s.

The having to get up about 4:30am each work day does take its toll if I’m not out like a light by 21:30 the latest.

Usually I get Tuesday and Saturday off. But holidays at work meant this week I had no Saturday off.

Six days without a day off is taxing. It drains you.

So that’s why I’ve not written anything for a few days. I wanted to. But the energy just wasn’t there.

Normal service will resume asap.

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