And I’m back with the next ten of my updated top 100 games of all time.
A lot of water has passed under the bridge, and a lot of games since I first did my top 100 in 2017.
So it feels good to have gone through this process of finding out what games made the cut.
Let’s give you the games that made it into the eighties…
81 Love Letter: Batman (Down from 58)
82 Wildlands (New Entry)
83 Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set (New Entry)
84 Sushi Go Party! (New Entry)
85 Dice Town (New Entry)
86 Riverside (New Entry)
87 DOOM: The Board Game (New Entry)
88 Eminent Domain (Down from 83)
89 Pandemic: Iberia (Down from 37)
90 Nations: The Dice Game (Down from 51)