After the flurry of gaming that happened at the expo it looks like the Summer gaming drought is now upon me.
Sunday gaming has dried up. So I’m planning to cancel those. No point leaving them on the discord server and having to face the disappointment each week of them not happening.
With the first Expeditions expansion Gears of Corruption (Ironclad edition) dropping through my letter box tomorrow. Who knows when I will be able to get this to the table.
On life and all the stuff that that covers. I’ve really missed Nan in the last week or so. I’ve missed talking to her, and her counsel. It’s really hit me hard her not being here.
I think it’s moments like this when I feel the most alone.
Normally I’m happy with my solitude. The attack chihuahuas are happy. I look after mum next door.
But there are times when I really do miss her. Like now.
My aunt and uncle are over from New Zealand and I will be getting to see them in the next couple of days. There will be more visits during their stay in Blighty but for now this first one is brief.
Yes I’d love to visit them in New Zealand but like returning to the TGOC the circumstances that this would be possible are not ones I want to contemplate. Basically it’d mean I’m no longer needed as mums carer.
They’ve been very supportive over the years and done a lot for me. Which I really appreciate and am very very thankful for.
There is an amazing offer been made by them to me which I’d love to be able to take it up. If Nan was around and not ill I’d be discussing it with her. I’m trying to work out how I can get into a position in which I can take up the generous offer.
If things work out I’ll share with you what is happening.
In the meantime life goes on.