The Road to UKGE 2024 #6

Despite having hundreds of games for sale, plus a games library. I like many others will be taking games with them to the expo!

One of the games I plan to take is my latest arrival (as in it came this morning) For the Queen.

This storytelling card game has been a “grail game” of mine for a while. It’s been out of print for a while, and hard to get hold of.

Luckily Darrington Press (the publishing arming of the Critical Roll cult of Mercer) got their hands on it rights and have just published a second edition with updated art, and question text.

I have to say for a card game the production quality is phenomenal. I really love the art.

It really is a size where it can be kept in a bag all the time ready to be played at a moments notice.

So I’m hoping that whilst at the expo I can get it to the table.

The 3 by 3 below shows my current leanings of games to take along with me.

Obviously it doesn’t show my box of dice, deck of cards, to play games such as Ship, Captain, Crew or LCR. It should be a given that will be with me.

I’ve tried to go with games that are small, quick to teach and play, plus if possible support a group of players. Although there are a couple that are two player.

Whilst at the expo I will post about which games actually did make it.

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