With March just ending its that time again to look at my gaming stats for the month.
March also happens to be the end of the first quarter for the year, so time to review the following that I wrote back in January.
So how did I do? Well as the games stats at the start show I got three of the five to the table. Which I think is not bad. Five Tribes was definitely the biggest hit of the three. Discoveries was a good game, but the wooden dice are horrid. As for Arena of the Planeswalker that game has so much potential but let down by poor support by the publisher.
But as I said in the initial post I'll be setting a list of five each quarter. We are now in a new quarter and therefore need a new list of games to try and get to the table.
- Ashes
- T.I.M.E. Stories
- Thunderbirds
- Dead of Winter
- Imperial Settlers
Games that nearly made the list this month but just missed out: Elder Sign, Neuroshima Hex!, Seasons, Roll for the Galaxy and Eminent Domain. Who knows maybe they will make it to the table anyway.
So that was my gaming month by the numbers.