Today’s big theme for this better late than never #RPGaDAY2020athon is…
Rest within an RPG is a period of time spent recovering, healing, sleeping, eating, reading, etc. Basically the mundane stuff that isn’t the fun stuff like fighting, looting, engaging in mental warfare in social situations.
It’s also time between adventures spent researching, building, crafting, recruiting. Activities that take many days to complete.
How these are handled by the different RPG systems out there may be varied but they all have the same purpose. To heal, replenish, and improve.
There has only been a couple of times in my paused campaign when there was any real rest for the party. Looking back at them, they were ok. The sessions that they occurred in were basically shopping trips. They could have been better.
I want to work on improving them. I think these two videos from the D&D sage Matt Colville need rewatching to help fuel my inspiration for improvement.
How do you handle rests, especially the longer multi day ones?