Thanks to current events the physical release of the latest MtG block/set Ikoria was a little late hitting your FLGS. But now it is in our grubby hands. FLGS have been keeping the postal service busy shipping out orders of physical product.
My pre-order arrived this morning.
Although I loved the Greek inspired theme of Theros, and the fairy tale, Arthurian legend inspired Eldraine. Ikoria is the set that speaks to me a lot. A land of big creatures. Which is basically four of my Commander decks, Big Green Stompy, Horrors from the Deep, Dinosaurs Tribal and Dragons Tribal.
Thanks to not playing Standard now (I think I’ve documented those reasons enough on here) I can save money by target buying the singles I need. Although it was fun cracking open the packs that came with the Prerelease kit.
So below are some of the cards that caught me eye for various reasons, such as I like the art, it’s shiny, or will go into a deck I have.
Ikoria brings back cycling, keyword counters (I want to know how this interacts with Atraxa), introduces a new keyword mutate and companions (which I believe some are already calling broken).
Pretty happy with my pulls. But I know need to look at a list of all the cards and get the singles I’m interested in.
Just can’t wait to play the new Commander decks with friends. But patience is needed on that front. That day will come, but in the meantime vigilance and safety are the keywords.