Three back to back life events updates in a row and no gaming stuff. I know not good enough.
If life hadn’t decided claiming Ebony wasn’t enough of kick in the emotional nads. It decided physically it needed to torment me as well.
Just after midnight last night a kidney stone decided it no longer wanted to be cooped up inside but wanted to see the big wide world instead.
I have a high pain tolerance but when this happens it really does test my limits. I think the previous time this happened I described how intense the pain was. Breaking out in sweats, throwing up just from the pain.
Early on while still able to I got mum to take Nico and Loki. Probably a good idea. Fur ball company often helps when one of them leaves us. It’s their presence, being happy just to be curled up next to you. Not demanding anything. Listening, boy are they good listeners. All stuff you need at moments like this.
I was then lying with a bowl in the conservatory trying to survive the pain. Why there? It was cool, and when you are sweating so much from the pain it helps believe me. Plus it was also next to a toilet. Which I would need.
What helped get me through was the hope that this would be all wrapped up so I could make the interview I had at 8:30am.
As the clock approached 8am the pain still there I needed to contact the interview and work.
Although out of the kidney the stones were now in my bowel causing just as much pain until they were passed.
I was in no position to make those calls myself. Just attempting was making me do multi coloured yawns or more accurately what little was left in my stomach.
It would need mum to make the calls for me.
Unable to give mum the numbers to call, she would need Google. The flaw in the pain induced plan. Mum doesn’t know how to use Google!
So between expelling bile I told her to get my brother to do it.
I was unable to correct mum when she told my brother it was a chest pain. A mistake that would worry my friends at work.
Once those stones had finally passed out of the body I was right as rain. Feeling like I’d been sparing with Tyson and getting a few kidney punches, and very very drained.
I was then able to contact my friend let her know how I was. That’s when I found out about my mums lack of biology knowledge. I’m glad she didn’t call an ambulance, which she was close to doing.
As I was writing this tale of suffering I’ve got lucky and another shot at the interview. That’s a big big relief.
I’m now recovering and recharging from that marathon pain session.
It’s been a shit twenty four hours.