Yeah I know the posts title is pretty shitty. But it’s the best I could come up with as I was putting this post together. Naturally a better title will come to mind once this post has gone live.
One thing I think Funko have got right so far in the last year is the release rate of new figures for the Funkoverse game. This sort of game lives or dies by the frequency of the expansions.
As I have said in the past this game for me is a light skirmish type game, where I can just throw together teams on the fly based on the which characters I think will be cool to play together. It’s never going to be that mega competitive scene like X-Wing (although I am pretty sure there are some out there that will treat it as such).
Even having never played a game so far (due to the more than obvious reason) buying the expansions is addictive. They have the same collectability of the full grown versions, with the added bonus you can play with them!
In the last couple of weeks we have seen the release of the DC Wonder Woman two character expansion. Which naturally contains Wonder Woman and also the villain from the Wonder Woman 1984 movie The Cheetah. Which I guess Funko had hoped that the movie would be out by now and help sales.

The other set to have been released is the A Game of Thrones four character set. Which has Daenerys Targaryen, Night King, Jon Snow, and Arya Stark.

The Wonder Woman expansion doesn’t really add anything new to the game rules wise. Wonder Woman gets a special die called the Champion Die. As far as I know this is the second time that a character has been given a unique die. The other was Dr Ian Malcolm with his Chaos Die in the two character Jurassic Park expansion.
Otherwise this Wonder Woman is a pretty standard release and the only decision is do you like the characters? For whether you buy it or not.

For me the A Game of Thrones set is the more interesting of the two just released.
For starters the First Game setup is for a four player game! Each team has one of the Funkoverse figures and one of the four included basic characters. So not the usual three character team. But I feel this is huge allowing four players to play at the same time.
The set also has two new Free-For-All scenarios designed for three or four players, and adds the rule that the first player token rotates clockwise to the next player at the end of each round.
There is one draw back though. Funko only provide one each of four different base colours. I would have liked to have seen at three of each colour. It would have made playing a four player game with two or three Funkoverse characters possible.

But even more impactful is the introduction of companions. As the rule book describes them, they “may be used by a player instead of an item1 Companions are always paired with a character and provide a player with an ally that can do a limited number of actions.”
In this set and the very first companion in the game is the Dire wolf Ghost. Which I am looking forward to adding to my Stomp,Slash,Splash team.
As you can see from the above photo of the components for Ghost I have a mini Ghost Funko figure to use instead of the token that comes with the game.
This Ghost figure is actually the Funko Ghost keychain with the chain part removed. I plan to do the same to the Drogon and Wight tokens that come with the game as well. Luckily there are keychain versions of them as well. Well the Wights will be White Walkers but hey who cares? Now I know that will annoy some hard core fans out there.
I also plan to stick Ghost and the other figures to a clear plastic disc base.
Now I wish I could take credit for this idea. But I can’t. The idea came from some-one on the Funkoverse Facebook page.
So as you can tell I’m excited to what this set brings to the table for Funkoverse. And I’m hoping that we will see more Companions plus more Free-For-All scenarios.
I just need to get all this to the table now. But that part is out of my hands.