New look?

Here we are with yet another I’m still alive post.

I have partial posts about recent gaming sitting in the draft folder of the blogging app that I use.

But tiredness and apathy stop me finishing them off.

I get home and just want to shutdown.

Guilt hits me as I try to switch off.

I know there is stuff I could or should be doing.

But motivation is lacking.

I’m not going to go into the reasons why on here. But last Friday after finishing my shift I walked into the instore barbershop and had them shave off not only my hair but also my beard.

It’s been something like 15 years or more since I last was clean shaven.

I’m still not used to the face that looks back at me in the mirror. It’s taking sometime to get used to.

At work my friends and colleagues have been positive, agreed it’s a major change and I look younger.

For one or two I had to speak first before they realised it was me. Which was kinda funny.

The car is going to cost me more money because it needs new brakes. An expense I could do without with the purchase of the house going on.

I did have a good long chat with an old friend who I hadn’t spoken to for a long time the other night. It was good to catch up. There will not be such a long gap before our next time.

I am trying to work it so I can get out and spend a night under canvas (or should that be silnilon?). But not having consecutive days off makes the logistics and being able to go somewhere somewhat challenging.

Think I’ll call it a day there and catch you in the next post.

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