New Arrivals for January 2025

I do like a good trick taking game.

I can trace that fondness to playing knockout whist with my dad’s aunt Joan as a teenager.

So it should come as no surprise that once I heard about the game Rebel Princess from a video that I would order a copy.

Not only did I order the deluxe version, but I also ordered the promo princess card for it.

That deluxe copy of Rebel Princess arrived last week.

So I’m waiting to get it to the table which will hopefully be this coming club night.

Thanks to a Facebook ad for an online retailer I have used in the past I ended up caving in and ordering my third version of Sushi Go.

This version is the 10th Anniversary Bento Box edition.

There are only 10000 copies of this particular version. After ordering I regretted I didn’t order a second, even third copy. Which I could then later on sell for an inflated price on eBay. But then I thought that’s just not me. I don’t want to exploit another person for personal gain.

Anyway my copy is due any day now. Once it arrives I’ll share on social media what number my copy is.

I did get the Heroscape Battle for Wellspring Battle Box as well earlier in the month too. I’m slowly building up from the Age of Annihilation Master Set and Lands of Valhalla Terrain Expansion.

I’ve still got to get this to the table. But I know I’ll like it having played the failed MtG spinoff years ago.

One that arrived this month and shockingly has been played to is Lure and its expansion Deep Waters.

Well that’s it for this month so far. Finspan is taking orders tomorrow and you know that it will be on its way to me.

Also there is a remote chance Tiny Epic A Game of Thrones might turn up. By remote I mean slim to not happening at all. It’s meant to have been posted from China (and I’ll rant about this once it finally arrives). So who knows when it will turn up.

And now the awkward end of the post. One day I’ll work out how to finish a post.

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