I did something brave and possibly foolhardy after publishing my post Last Days: A Triffid Apocalypse! I shared it on the Last Days Facebook page.
I was nervous about sharing my work. How would it be received? Luckily people seemed to like it and I got some useful, constructive feedback as well. Which I have included below. I was rather star struck that Ash Barker liked the Facebook post. Did he read the blog post? No idea.
I’m pretty sure I read that triffids can’t go indoors, and their size would hint at that. But can I find where I read that? Not a bloody chance.
Below are the updated stats for a triffid.
Please note: These stats have not been play tested. I repeat have not been play tested. They are my initial thoughts, and a work in progress. They are likely to change once I get a chance to play test them.
I’ve added a Sway and Hit the Head special rules for the stinger. And tweaked the notes on the behaviour and traits.
I don’t think that there needs to be a hidden rule as described above. I think this would be counted as cover. But I need to think more about this.
UPDATED: to avoid confusion over units used for range of stinger.
I think these take on board the advice given, and make the triffids feel on theme! Any character that becomes out of action from a triffid attack and part of a campaign still needs additions made to decide if they die, blinded or seriously ill for a period of time. But that’s for another day.
To do:
▪ Play test this!
▪ Come up with campaign additions to cover a character becoming blind if they survived an attack and got hit on bare skin.
Hope people like this update.
Done a couple of playtests. The things are nicely lethal! Realized too late that there’s no mechanism for obtaining Triffid guns or quick first aid on a 5 result; may need a custom Supplies table. I changed it so they spawn in the nearest non-man-made space to the noisy character and that really captures their jumpscare nature. Need to noddle out specs for flamethrowers and triffid guns at some point. A great addition to the game overall :)
Brilliant thanks for the feedback. I started working on a new update taking into account the addition feedback that was given. So this is great timing.
My initial thoughts are not to worry about triffid guns. But that is based on setting the scenario early in the life of the triffid apocalypse. However it’d be nice to make them an option in a campaign that becomes available in the later stages of the campaign.
I was going to answer the first aid in the next update.
I like the spawn changes.
A big big thank you for the feedback.
Glad it helped!
I didn’t worry about triffid guns. But without a shotgun in the group, only by adding an End score and allowing regular gunfire to kill them (eventually, with DC4!) could I prevent them making a clean sweep of the group. And that’s with just two!
I was very glad of the excuse to buy a couple of miniatures for them :)