You can find all my previous posts in this project here if you are interested or need to catch up for some reason. I’ve written a lot of words now about the game so would totally understand you wanting to skip them.
Ok with that bit of housekeeping out the way it’s time to continue this meandering journey through playing Doom on the Nintendo Switch, it’s boardgame appearances, and some brief reflection.
E2M4 Deimos Lab
These later levels are certainly harder. I’m dying more often. Having to utilise the ol’ save game regularly tactic.
“Day and night, baby, night and day
All hell’s breakin’ loose” All hell’s breakin’ loose, KISS
Cacodemons are more frequent, as are Lost Souls. It’s not just the odd one, but groups of three or more. Last seen at the end of Knee Deep, Barons of Hell are now making a more regular appearance on a level.
Demons are being thrown at me in even bigger quantities. Portals are more frequent as a means to move around the map.
E2M5 Command Centre
The decor of the base is starting to get more corrupt and horrific. Evidence as if we needed it that hell was escaping into our world.
I love how a large carving of the Baron of Hell’s head in the walls foreshadows (or should that be warn?) of the immediate appearance of said being.
E2M6 Halls of the Damned
Getting my hands on a 2016 edition of Doom the board game was more eventful than it should have been.
The online retailer Boardgameguru had a copy which I ordered over a weekend. I knew they would not be sending the game straight away. They were at the end of a warehouse move.
Communication from the company said they would be business as normal that Monday.
I thought allow them a day or two to catch up with any orders. I should with a fair wind have the game by the following weekend.
However it did not arrive.
Another week passes and nothing.
So the following week I sent an email asking for an update. I was greeted by a wall of silence. Well no reply. A couple of days later I sent a follow up email. Still nothing. Not even tumble weed.
But that Friday afternoon I got a marketing email from them.
That infuriated me. It got my hackles up.
I replied to the marketing email with a blunt angry response.
Third time a charm. There was a reply this time.
Allegedly they are were unable to find any trace of my emails.
Apparently in the warehouse move they missed my order, and lost the only copy of the game!
I was given the option to wait for another copy to arrive (not likely for a seven year old game that is basically out of print) or have a refund.
I went the refund route.
But even that took a while to acknowledge. However eventually they did and a refund was issued.
While I was waiting for the refund to be done I posted on a boardgaming Facebook group looking for a second hand copy.
I got lucky. Within minutes some-one I had bought from before had a copy they were happy to sell to me.
That copy arrived whilst I was visiting Nathan.
Now I just need to get this edition to the table.
Another rarity I finished this level with 100% across the board.
This was a hard level. At times I just wanted to get to the exit.
But in doing so somehow I ended up finding and killing everything.