After spending an hour or more getting the cards together, I now have a dinosaur tribal commander deck. Sadly it does not have the two Elder dinosaurs in it for black and blue. My commander Zacama, Primal Calamity is red, green and white. So the deck has four out of the six, which ain’t bad.
It’s been hard getting down to the one hundred cards that make a commander deck. But I’ve managed to do it, just.
I’m glad that itch has been scratched and it’s now in a play and tweak stage. I enjoyed my regular MtG dinosaur deck. So I’m hoping this commander deck is as much fun to play.
In the meantime I’ve come up with other deck themes I’d like to do. These are basically commander versions of my angel deck, and the death and taxes deck. But I also have a second Arcane Wizardry commander deck on the way. I’ve really enjoyed playing that deck, and I want to change it a little to make it “mine”. There are three cards that I don’t like in that deck that need to go straight away.
I’ll put up my initial deck list later in the week.