Fighting illness

The cold I had a few weeks ago never really went away and has flared up as a chest infection. Which has really taken it out of me.

I was kinda glad that on my day off on Saturday that no-one was free to play games. I was really feeling bad. There was also plans to try out a recipe or two for the impending return to the hills. But that day was just bed rest.

Somehow I made it through a 10 hour shift last night. With two 9 hour shifts ahead of me today and tomorrow. Wednesday is a day off but I’ll need that as recovery time.

Work and illness is so draining.

Luckily the last three shifts before a week off are normal ones. Which I’m thankful for. Changes at work haven’t been finalised so that’s still an unknown hanging around like a bad smell.

But the holiday should be starting off in a good way with some gaming with Diego. Which I’m really looking forward to.

That’s where things are at the moment. Hope that this chest infection clears up in time for the holiday and the hills.

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