I thought I better post one of these “hey, I’m still alive posts”.
It’s been a busy week back at work.
After nine days off there is always that adjustment back to the routine of shift work. So I feel I’ve been extra tired it feels.
Plus the shift patterns this week has had me going from lates (that’s closing at midnight) to a mid shift, to opening up (that’s a 5:30 start).
That shift pattern is especially tiring as you get no downtime. It’s basically going to work, get some sleep, go to work. There seems no time to chill. To unwind.
However things are a changing on the work front.
Over the time I had off I got another job!
I hadn’t specifically been looking for one. But an opportunity came up.
One of my deciding factors in going for it and accepting the job offer was those shift patterns I described above. They are hard on me. But even harder on mum. They aren’t good for her health.
I discussed things with her naturally. Mums old school. Just like the Black Knight in the Monty Python and The Holy Grail, “it’s merely a flesh wound”. She said she could handle them. But these types of shift were a lot harder on her.
Apparently dog sitting my two little attack chihuahuas in combination with her dog and cat make it hard for her to get the rest she needs at her age. That’s my observation not hers. Although she does complain they keep her up and stop her sleeping (you should hear her when I visit Nathan).
So that was my deciding factor. I love my job and the folks I work with. It wasn’t an easy decision. But in the end mums health trumps everything.
Once I accepted the offer, and the agency negotiated an hourly pay rate (yeah seems the wrong way round I know) I was more than pleasantly surprised, taken aback, even shocked at my new pay rate.
So Tuesday on my return to work I handed in my notice.
Which means in two weeks time I finish at my current employer, and then a day later I start the new job.
Oh what’s the new job? Yeah I seem to have missed that bit out.
I’m returning to education and teaching computing and game design again.
So that’s a pretty big change I think you will agree.
I’m pretty excited about returning, but also sad because I really like my current role and work mates.
But more as things progress.
But as you can tell very little gaming has gone on this week. And the #dungeon23 post will be going up tonight.
However my physical copies of Ruins of the Grendleroot, and Fantastic Locations arrived at the start of the week.
I love the print quality of the soft cover books done by DriveThruRPG.
Until a crowdfunding project is run for the final version of City of Arches, I currently have two more books to get physically to have the Sly Flourish set.
I’m looking forward to dropping these into the campaign in the future.
That’s it for now. The tl;dr is job changing, not much else gone on.