This weekend saw the much anticipated release of Advanced Wars 1&2 Re-boot Camp on the Nintendo Switch.
I love Advanced Wars.
I’ve played it since it first came out in 2002 on my GBA.
21 years since I first played it!
I love the classic PC RTS Dune 2, and Command and Conquer. So when I heard about Advanced Wars and though not a RTS but turn based I still needed to get it.
2002 saw me commuting between Farnborough and Surbiton on the train. So portable gaming with my GBA (that was later replaced by a GBA SP) was a way to pass the commute. And probably at that point in my life the main opportunity I had to game.
I loved Advanced Wars. I was an instant fan.
The turn based mechanic worked perfectly on the hand held GBA. The graphics were cartoony and worked really well on the small screen. The cut scenes and pop up characters were drawn in a cartoon anime art style. A style that matched the bright tone of the game perfectly.
I can’t remember the music. However that would be due to me playing the game without the sound on. Something I did all the time back then.
There was a story. But I don’t remember any of it. That’s not a reflection of the game at all. A lot of water has passed under the bridge since I played the game.

I don’t remember finishing the game. But I did get a fair way into the game. I think I was pretty close to completing it.
It should come as no surprise that I got the follow up to Advanced Wars, Advanced Wars Black Hole Rising when it was released in 2003. Which was more of the same.
Obviously by the time Advanced Wars Dual Strike came out on the DS in 2006 I too had moved on to the latest Nintendo handheld. Although continuing the story of the previous two instalments that were on the GBA. Dual Strike introduced new features that made use of the dual screens of the DS.
I enjoyed playing the latest instalment of Advanced Wars. But looking back it doesn’t seem to have had as big an impact on me as the original GBA game.
The final Advanced Wars I played was its fourth and final portable outing Advanced Wars Dark Conflict in 2008.
Despite owning the final portable instalment of the series I don’t remember ever playing it. I think considering the events of 2008 and what a major upheaval to my personal circumstances they were. The fact I didn’t get to play Dark Conflict doesn’t surprise me.
I never did play the 2005 RTS spin off Battalion Wars on the GameCube. (I should try and pick a copy up.) Or the 2007 Wii Battalion Wars 2. I remember reading good things about Battalion Wars at the time. As I’ve already established I’m an RTS fan, so I think these versions would tick a lot of boxes for me, and that I’d enjoy them.
So here we are 21 years later with Advanced Wars finally hitting the latest Nintendo console. I feel with it’s release on the Switch the game has returned to its mobile roots!
If the title Advanced Wars 1&2 Re-boot Camp doesn’t tell you everything you need to know about the game, especially having played it before. Then I don’t know how more obvious they could have made it.
This release is an update of the original two GBA releases with the usual graphical improvements (I’m assuming) that goes along with it.
I love the tag line in the title of Re-boot Camp. It’s funny. Well I chuckled.
I’m going to take a little break from my Doom series of posts to play Advanced Wars, and give myself a chance to get the boardgame to the table some more.
Which means you’ll get at least one more Advanced Wars post.
Until then…