Super Mario Bros Wonder is the latest entry in the Mario franchise to hit the Switch.
I’m going to briefly summarise how I’m experiencing the game so that any first time readers will know where I’m coming from. Long time gluttons for punishment of this blog can skip this part as you will be very familiar with it by now.

How I’m Experiencing Super Mario Bros Wonder
I’m a Switch Lite owner so will naturally be playing the game on that.
When I’m playing the game at home I will be using the inbuilt speakers of the Switch Lite to listen to the audio. However any game play away from home will use my usual setup of VANKYO C750 Bluetooth active noise cancelling headphones. Which are over ear, Hi-Fi Stereo, and apparently deep bass.
I bought the physical version of the game, and there were no day one updates.
These days I’m not a spend hours in a single session playing a video game person. It’s more casual. Along the lines of pick up play for 30 minutes to an hour. Depending on how tired I am, and how much free time I have.
As the image below shows I’ll be playing a single player game as Mario.

Mario and I go way way back…
Welcome back longtime sufferers…
I do get excited when new Mario games come out or are announced.
The maths might not be exact. But for approximately four fifths of my long lifetime I’ve been playing Mario games of one kind or another over the years. Starting with his supporting role as Jumpman in the game that started it all Donkey Kong.
That makes it sound like I’ve played a lot of Mario games. But in reality it’s more like I’ve dipped in and out of them. I think it’s best described as old friends that keep bumping into each other over the years. My main Mario gaming being his handheld outings. That was my Nintendo console of choice especially during my married years. Most of my gaming was handheld based on my daily commute on the train. I was aware of Mario’s transformation to 3D on the GameCube as my sons played the various releases and I saw them playing them.
However parental duties and any free time left after that gladly spent with my ex-wife meant I missed so many GameCube classics that also included Mario’s outings on the platform.
This was repeated for the Wii also.
I have played some of Mario’s outings on the Switch. Sadly they should be best described as brief visits. Although I did get pretty far in the Rabbids game.
But now I’m back with Super Mario Bros. Wonder on the Switch.

The devils in the details
Super Mario Bros Wonder is a 2D scrolling platform game. From my limited play so far it has all the things you’d expect in a Mario 2D platformer plus new twists. I love the mix of the familiar and the new.

Whilst playing a Mario game you can’t help but have a big wide grin on your face. It’s the little things that Nintendo put in to each level that are a delight and a pleasant surprise.
And Nintendo hit the ground running on that front. Whether it’s from changing Mario into elephant Mario so early on in the first level (amazing decision btw), to the musical blocks that play notes as you run across them, to the green pipes moving along like caterpillars. I adored the singing and walking Piranha Plants on the second level. Such Willy Wonka vibes. I didn’t want to leave the level.

I’m not sure what direction these posts about the game will take. They aren’t reviews, more this is my experience playing the game and past experiences that playing takes me back to. Like all my video game posts are. There are lots of great reviews out there for the game. I most definitely have nothing new to add to that space. Besides do you need a review to know if you are going to get the game? You already know if you are a Mario fan and enjoy 2D platformers. If that is the case you already have the game.
Finally did you get the reference in the posts title? It’s something Bez ,the Beast from the Arabian Knights cartoon (shown during the Banana Splits Show) said before changing into an elephant. Which I thought was apt for this new Mario game where he can become an elephant.