It’s been nearly a week since I’ve posted anything.
So you know what means.
Yes a proof of life post. Where I tell you I’m still alive and life has been happening.
Indeed life has been happening.
I’ve been off on a union three day health and safety rep course. Which was great fun, really informative, and inspiring. It also meant that Dolly had three days and two nights with mum. While I was off chilling out in a hotel and enjoying the English breakfast buffet (the black pudding was not even remotely close to the black pudding from Stornaway) mum was getting the full Dolly experience. Such as Dolly barking at the tv. Currently and previously I’ve never had a dog that has paid attention to what is on the ol’ tv. But Dolly does and she will start barking for what appears to be no reason.
I did cave (with a little promoting by Duncan) and ordered some more Stornaway black pudding. Yes including the postage it is a tad more expensive than buying it from a local supermarket. But it’s worth every penny. I think it’s that good.
Last Sunday afternoon after my shift I did play a game of Battletech with Diego at the Wisbech St Mary Sports and Social Club.
We used the mechs from the Alpha Strike starter set.
Our game ended in a draw due to running out of time. Our gracious host was closing up.
It’s been a busy week so there has been a distinct lack of posts.
I’ve been on a two day union event this week at Wyboston. It was a great event and very useful and inspiring. The only draw back was the luke warm evening meal, and a white americano that just a hot watery milky drink.
This union event was also a big deal for Dolly. It was her first overnight with mum. I was wondering how Dolly would handle it, and also how mum would get on with three dogs sleeping on the single bed in the living room.
When I called mum Wednesday morning to see how they got on I needn’t have worried. Instead of the usual phone call while I’m away (for whatever reason):
Mum: did you sleep ok?
Me: yes
Mum: well I didn’t your dogs wouldn’t settle and wouldn’t let me sleep.
It went completely different. Mum actually got some sleep, and managed to find space to sleep with all three on the bed.
With this first test passed with flying colours. I’m not worried about the two nights away for the health and safety course in a couple of weeks.
I did play some games last Friday. And hopefully I’ll get to talk about them in the next post.
I’m continually left speechless and amazed by people’s generosity when I see how much that has been donated for this 28 Miles in February.
The current total is £279!
That is such an amazing amount.
I’ve said previously I thought that when I signed up I didn’t even think I’d get close to the initial £150 target.
Then when that target was passed I thought it’d be cool to hit £200. But now with £300 so close. I’m just wow. How is this possible?
I really am touched, and so proud of my friends and family who have given so much to something I’m doing in memory of Nan. We all know how close I was to Nan, and how much she meant to me. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to express my gratitude to everyone for their generosity. The words “thank you” don’t seem enough. But at the moment they are all I have. Thank You.
If people are in a position to donate, and feel they would like to then I’m really appreciative of that, and very grateful for the generosity.
Returning to work on Wednesday after basically two weeks off was a bit of struggle.
I’d gotten used to the relaxed, gentle start to the day. Ok my waistline wouldn’t have taken much more of the breakfast routine. The ham I cooked not only gave mum and me a couple of meals (ham, egg, and chips). But also was a major part of my breakfast. Along with eggs, beans, the best black pudding I’ve ever had from Stornaway (part of an amazing hamper that was sent to me by Duncan’s parents), and sausage. So not quite the full English. But still bloody good.
Dolly feels like she has always been with me. She has fitted in that well.
Obviously Dolly has had to adjust to the work day routine. Which she has done really well. Better than me I think!
Mum did hurt her shoulder Thursday lifting Dolly onto her bed. Luckily mum seemed back to normal the next day.
I need to say a big thank you to all those that have donated so far. The initial target of funds to raise was £150.
This figure was a default when the charity set up the donation pages when I signed up.
I didn’t think I’d even get close to this total.
But the generosity of my friends and family I actually reached that target on the 2nd January.
The actual current amount raised so far is £168.
Which is amazing. I’m stunned.
I’m taking a low key approach to fundraising because I know how difficult times are for folks financially. I don’t want people to feel pressured to give money. I’d much rather people are made aware of the charity Alzheimer’s Research UK, the work they do, and the impact of Alzheimer’s and dementia has not only the individual with it, but also the loved ones around them (often acting as the carers).
If people are in a position to donate, and feel they would like to then I’m really appreciative of that, and very grateful for the generosity.
Yesterday I got up early, drove down south to literally meet a lady about a dog.
The dog in question was a seven year old pug named, you guessed it, Dolly.
Naturally the owner needed to meet me and make sure I was going to give Dolly a loving home.
I think it’s stating the obvious to say Dolly’s owner was very upset having to find Dolly a new home. I’d be the same.
In the run up to this day I’d not said much about it. I was trying to manage my expectations and hopes. If it fell through I knew I’d be heart broken. I wanted to try and limit the amount of hurt.
But I passed the test both by the owner and Dolly.
Dolly did amazing on the way back. The M25 was horrendous as was the bit of the M1 that I take. I think the M25 from basically the M3 junction where I got on to the M40 junction took nearly two hours.
So when I got a chance to stop at a services on the M1 I did so. Dolly really needed a moment to answer the call of nature and stretch her legs.
When we eventually got home the boys were following Dolly around as she explored her new surroundings.
Considering how stressful the day was for Dolly she had a pretty good night. Only a couple of “accidents” downstairs to clean up. I woke up with Dolly cuddled up to me on the bed.
I know one thing Nico and Loki need to up their meal time game. Dolly is a food hover. And blindingly fast. They won’t be able to just eat when they want now. If it’s left Dolly will have it.
We are now learning how to live together as a pack, learn each others routines, get used to being comfortable together. It’s a good start so far. But it’s a long journey.
Obviously the days got busier as it got closer to the big day. They also got more challenging as my chest infection has not started to clear up. But my energy levels have gradually improved thankfully.
Instead of finishing at midday Christmas Eve, I took a two hour break and then did a four hour shift at a local express store. So I finished actual work at 6pm last night.
Having started at 5am that morning as I had my other shifts since returning from illness (except Sunday store opens at 7am then). Yesterday was a bloody long day and this may be stating the obvious but I was to say the least very knackered when I got home.
But now I’m looking at a nice break from work and not back until the 8th January. Which if the next bit of this post comes off is great timing.
My planned gaming session for this Friday might not being going ahead, and need rescheduling. Instead I may have to be making a journey to take a step closer to a possible major big news announcement.
Yes I know that’s a big tease. But I’m trying to manage my own expectations and hopes so if it doesn’t happen I’m not too heart broken over it.
Anyway it’s that big day every kid, big and small has been waiting for. Which leaves me just to say to every reader of this blog from myself, Nathan, my Mum, and the two attack chihuahuas Nico and Loki.
Yes that’s right I’ve booked my pitch at the camp site.
I have paid the 30% deposit for an electric grass pitch. The rest of the payment goes out at the start of May.
Yes the price I paid is about the same as a Travelodge for the same period (minus breakfast and other optional extras like WiFi) if you managed to get a bargain deal of £35 a night. Which is very very rare these days it seems.
Despite the expo being nearly 6 months away. I’m starting to get excited about going.
On the life front I returned back to work Friday after technically 2 days off. I wasn’t recovered or even close. But well enough to drive safely.
I’m getting stronger but the chest infection itself is still there draining my energy.
Meantime despite my best efforts not to pass on to mum she now has it. Luckily thanks to the flu jab I think not as worse on the symptoms front. She seems much more functional than I was at similar stages.
The main aim is that we are both well enough to enjoy the big seasonal day.
Monday at work I started to feel what I thought was a cold coming on. So I bought the usual cold/flu capsules, and chewable high strength vitamin C tablets. Popped some capsules, and chewed a vit C.
But I got worse during the day once home.
This wasn’t a cold. It was a chest infection. I was coughing, being sick. I was shaking from feeling cold but my forehead was hot.
I gathered the strength to put the attack chihuahuas round with mum. Then collapsed on my bed. Fading in and out of sleep.
That was my Tuesday.
Wednesday wasn’t much better but I was able to start getting some diluted squash to drink.
A new twist to the symptoms is the lower left arm feeling bruised/sore. That happened after the heat returned to them.
Currently I’m trying not to talk or move so I don’t spark a coughing fit.
Official it started 1pm yesterday when my shift ended.
But I didn’t get to lie-in and enjoy a lazy relaxed start to this week off work.
I had to get up early to help a relative replace the felt on my downstairs toilet. It’s been leaking during heavy rainfall for a while now.
The leak was due to rotted felt under the tiles. The tiles themselves were still doing their job.
So 8am this morning we stripped the roof of the tiles. Removed the old batons and rotted felt.
It was then time to lay the new felt, new batons, and re-lay the tiles (once I’d cleaned the moss off them).
We got that done by lunchtime.
Tomorrow some cement work needs doing and once dry some sealant stuff (that’s about as technical as I get on this diy stuff), and it’s all good as new.
What this means is that my visit to Nath is going to be at the end of the week.
And hopefully before I see Nath I’ll have some big news to share with you.