Category Archives: game of thrones

game of thrones

Westeros Bound

Taking its place as my fourth command and colours based game in my collection is the just arrived today Battles of Westeros. This is another great purchase from the UK Trading and Selling Facebook group. Funny enough it could mean from the same guy I bought Battlelore from!

This is as the title of the game suggests a Battlelore game themed around the A Game of Thrones books. Now I know I haven't played my copy of Battle Cry or Battlelore, but I have Memoir '44, and I love the Command and Colours system.

I want to play them all. I'm lucky that Jonathan is a Memoir fan. I don't think it will take much persuasion to get Jonathan to play the others with me too.

The quandary I have is do I take Battles of Westeros with me to play with Nath at the weekend? I mean I haven't included Ashes this time. I'm trying Nath out with the deck construction mechanic by taking Epic before I try him with Ashes or Android:Netrunner. Plus I know if Thunderbirds does arrive I know I won't be able to resist taking that.

I know Nath is a Game of Thrones fan, he really enjoys the tv series (he hasn't read the books). So the theme will really appeal to him.

There are other games out there that use the Command and Colours system, but the only one I'm interested in adding to my collection is The Great War, if I remember the name correctly. Which is based around the First World War.

I still want the A Game of Thrones boardgame but for a gaming fix to take me back to the A Game of Thrones universe between series on tv this will I hope be far easier to get to the table.


How Beautiful Is Risk:GoT edition?

You have to go look at the video of the new Risk A Game of a Thrones edition that the folks over at Boardgame Geek recorded at GenCon nearly a month ago now (it's only gone up today).

The game looks stunning. The publisher appears to have done a really good job in the whole look and presentation. I definitely want to to get this even more now. It will be interesting to compare it with the GoT boardgame.

You can view the video on YouTube

Star Realms Stuff

Hot in from the U.S. of A is the Star Realms stuff I bought off some-one that attended GenCon and had spares.

First up the Blob Fight promo for GenCon signed by Robert Dougherty (Lead Game Development on Star Realms). This is super cool and AWESOME. And yes I am that easily pleased and impressed.

There was also a Mercenary Garrison card. Which seeing as I already have will be finding its way to Naths Star Realms cards for his birthday.

Then finally there was the GenCon Preview edition of the upcoming Cosmic Gambits expansion.

If I get a chance over the next couple of days I'll do a post looking at the cards in this new expansion. However I'm at a friends wedding tomorrow and not sure what the internet situation is like at the venue (which I'm staying at until Friday).


Another off the wish list

I tell you this that Facebook group for selling and trading games is like crack.

Sometimes there are some good deals on there that are fair to both the seller and the buyer. Sometimes the seller is completely unrealistic in their expectations in the asking price. They actually think that a used game (even if it is only played once) should get them a price that is only a quid or two less than getting the game new!

So what has this got to do with me? Well I've managed to find one of those fair deals on there today that has landed me a copy of the Game of Thrones boardgame (hence the logo at the start of the post).

It won't be here until next week, then I have the problem of getting it to the table.

The game needs a minimum of three to play, and those three people need to have a large spare chunk of free time. It's my understanding that the game takes a bit of time to play like two to three hours.

So any one in the Wisbech area that would like to play the game with me drop me a line in the comments below.

The wave two expansions for Imperial Assault have started to hit the stores yesterday. I was hoping my order would have made it to me today. But after contacting the store, it appears that it was like a teaser batch that the stores have been sent. With the main shipment hitting next week!

So if I'm lucky I think I will have the expansions middle of next week. Exactly when I'm away for a friends wedding. But they will be (touch wood) in time for my next visit to see Nath over the bank holiday weekend.