Yep it’s that time of month again where I bore you rigdged with how much gaming I’ve done the previous month.
For a month that sees people taking time off to have a holiday with family and loved ones, I’m quite happy with only having played 16 games 43 times in total.
As you can also see I’ve done a lot of two player gaming. Which is unusual for me.
Half of the games played were new games. Of which two are no longer on my pile of shame. I think that’s pretty impressive really.
So let’s look these numbers as a pretty pretty graph.
So the pretty graph shows a dip but it was always going to be nigh on impossible to top July for number of plays, especially during a holiday month.
My Game of the Month
This is not going to be a surprise to anyone. My game of the month this month is…
Yep It’s the Kickstarter deluxe version of The Manhattan Project Chain Reaction with its better box and wooden components for yellow cake and uranium. This is such a great game, everyone whose tried it so far has enjoyed it, if not liked it as much as I do. I can’t wait for the regular edition to hit the stores so I can buy it for Nath.
Worst game of the month
Another none surprise this month, the only real shocker would have been if this didn’t get the worst game award for the month. This was such a stinker that already I’ve spent too much time talking about it, and I haven’t even named it yet. This months game that wreaks is Nantucket.