Category Archives: apps


Scythe Digital Version Released (last week) on iOS

The digital version of Scythe was finally released on iOS last week.

This is not a review, but a quick “hey look what’s been released”.

I’ve not played the game online yet, just against the AI. But I’m enjoying that experience.

I like the interface and found it easier and quicker to pick up than the PC/Mac version of the game (which I finally got to try after getting it in a Humble Bundle deal a couple months or so ago).

As you can see the app looks stunning. And I love the fact you have the option of playing with the minis and meeples either unpainted or painted. It’s a little thing, but a nice choice to have.

This initial release is the base game with some promo encounter cards.

I can’t wait to have the expansions as an option to purchase and play.

Tokaido App

Back with a quick look at another app version of a board game. This time it’s the beautiful and serene game Tokaido.

In Tokaido you are a traveller trying to have the most interesting journey as you wander along the road between Kyoto and Edo over a four day period.

Tokaido ticks all the boxes when it comes to game modes. As the image below shows. I’m not a big one for playing with random strangers online (I do believe I have said that once or twice before in the past). So I really like that I can play just against my friends.

The app it self looks beautiful. It continues the art style of the board game which I love.

The developers also when implementing the game didn’t try and do a virtual representation of the board itself. But played to the strengths of the media and came up with a look that doesn’t feel like a board game.

One advantage the app has over the physical is in a two player game the app via an AI opponent controls the dummy third player.

For me this is a perfect digital version of the physical game. A must add to the collection, and a great game to play with friends during the lockdown.

Onitama App

Here we are once more with yet another quick look at an app version of a boardgame. This time it’s the really awesome two player abstract game Onitama.

The app version of the game implements the base game and the 16 card Sensei’s Path expansion (an in app purchase, the other in app purchase you can make is basically a couple of themed skins.)

Naturally the game looks nice. Although for me playing on an iPad would have liked the game to use landscape mode and not portrait. Or at least swap between the two intelligently depending on the orientation of the screen.

I’m fine with the top down view of the board. But a 3D view would have appealed more.

I’ve played this both online with Jonathan and solo against the AI. Naturally my preference is against friends. But the AI was a cool alternative with the option of setting how difficult the AI opponent is.

This is a solid implementation of the board game. If you are a fan of the game it’s worth getting.

Santorini App

One benefit of the lockdown is that I’m discovering that there have been app versions of some of my favourite board games released that I somehow missed.

A good example of this is that I missed Santorini hitting the App Store.

In physical form this is a great abstract game that looks beautiful on the table. It’s quick to teach and learn. But that hides a complexity especially when you are using the God cards with their different and unique powers.

This app version of the game looks beautiful and captures the real game fantastically.

For your initial investment you get 34 of the Gods selected from the base game, Golden Fleece expansion and a promo. You can also buy a further 24 Gods in-game.

I’ve only played against the AI so far, there is online play. The AI can be set at various difficulty levels, which includes a God level. Which I haven’t been brave enough to try yet.

You can rotate the board around easily to get different views of the board. Which you will have to do. It’s just a nature of this 3D game as an app and in real life.

I really like the job the developer has done with this. I’m glad I came across it.

In response to Jonathan’s comment:

Carcassonne 2.0

Carcassonne has been on iOS for years.

I’ve owned it for years, had all the expansions they added.

It was a good implementation of a board game classic.

But things change. Never developers pick up licenses, old ones lose them.

For whatever reason a new version of Carcassonne got released, and given a make over.

Where the previous version was a good looking game that accurately represented the physical game. The art used was the art from the tiles. With a 2D top down view.

This new version adds an isometric camera view (bottom left) to go alongside the 2D top down view and other graphical flourishes that make the game seem fresh.

Naturally you can easily swap between the two views to your hearts content, and settle on the one you prefer.

Some of the flourishes include animating the meeples so that they bounce on the board in the isometric view. Or at the press of the button you get to see which areas of the board are covered by farmer meeples(top left). Or the dragon tokens that keep count of the number of moves the dragon has taken, along with possible moves and where it has been (top right).

I also like how a city only gets built once it has been completed. Until then it is just a muddy outline.

I’ve only played against the AI at the moment. Which was something that wasn’t possible in the previous version (there were puzzles/challenges you could do, but that didn’t work for me). Sometimes the AI can take a couple of minutes or longer to make a move, which is annoying. But on the whole I’ve found the AI challenging but not over powering.

There is online play across platforms. However I’m not one for playing against strangers. I much prefer playing against friends. Said friends have not got this app yet. So this isn’t something I’ve used in this version. There is also a text chat option to. But I refer you the just made statement about online play.

The main drawback for me with this new version is that I’ve had to buy everything again.

But it does have my favourite expansions as in app purchases. These are The Abbot, The River, Inns & Cathedrals, Traders and Builders, The Princess and Dragon, and the Winter Edition (not purchased yet). I like what these add to the game, they extend it’s playing time. But that’s a compromise I’m prepared to make, as they add so much.

I really like this new version.

The Master Vault – the Keyforge App

Last Friday saw the release of The Master Vault app, a companion app (and website for those that don’t want to use the app) for Keyforge.

Hats off to FFG they were aiming to have it available for the Keyforge release, and it was on both iOS and Android.

Ok before I look at what the current state of play is with this initial release of the app, it should be noted that to use this app you need an Asmodee account. So if you don’t have one you will be prompted to create one, which is a fairly painless process. I’m assuming these Asmodee accounts will be used across various other apps/games also.

So with an Asmodee account setup, you login to the app, and it lets you do stuff. Like what? I’m not doing this in any particular order, but you can add a deck. Basically every deck apart from the 2 non-unique starter decks has a QR code that identifies it. Using the add deck option allows you to register that deck as yours by scanning in the QR code using the camera on your phone (you can also enter the code manually). A claimed deck earns you an ember.

The My Decks lists all the decks you have scanned in. Not only that it allows you to drill down to see the cards in the deck and also to remove it (this allows you to sell/give away the deck, and the recipient to register it). Eventually as you can see there will be more information about the deck that will track how well the deck has done in organised play.

The profile page gives you the ability to share your profile with others using the tried and true QR codes. While also summarising the treasure you’ve collected. Which we have already seen can be collected by buying decks and scanning them in. I’m also assuming you may get ember from organised play (seeing as there is no local events, not sure this will be much of an avenue to gain ember for me). I’ve no idea what happens when you get a key. Hopefully there will be some cool rewards in the pipe line.

I do like the buttons that allow you to jump around the functionality of the app from the various sections. It streamlines doing stuff without having to keep going back to the main menu.

The app does look nice. And I think this is the first time I’ve seen QR codes put to a good use within a game.

I’ve not confirmed this but Mike Hatcher (a Youtuber and entertainer – his channel is entertaining) said the only difference between the app and website is that the website allows you to look for Keyforge events near by. I also agree with his conclusion that this bit of functionality should be in the app at some point. It seems a logical thing to add.

FFG have been on record as saying that they want the Master Vault to be the one stop shop for Keyforge players. Which is a nice ambition for the app/website. I think this is a good start. I’m assuming they have their roadmap for where it’s going (would be nice to see it). And I’m sure the Keyforge community will have suggestions of what they would like to see in the app also. Especially after it’s been in their hands for a while.

I know several players would like to be able to play the game online. Is the Master Vault the right place to do this? I don’t think so. But there is no reason why it can’t be linked to your account, and make your decks available for you to play with in a separate app.

Star Realms App gets United

White Wizard Games have just pushed out the latest update for their very popular app version of the amazing deck builder Star Realms.

This will be the first of I’m guessing 4 updates over the next few months that will add cards etc from the United expansions from the physical game.

Here is the release notes for the app from the App Store.

At the time of writing there was an issue actually being able to purchase the Command expansion. But hopefully that gets sorted ASAP. As I’m looking forward to playing with the extra cards. At £1.99 to unlock them across all platforms a bargain.

I’m super excited about the win/loss stats in the friend list. That’s how I play the game. Having lost the levelling Up/down functionality when the app got its makeover, this is the second best option.

Not much interested in the AI improvement, I don’t play the campaign or against the AI.

So if you are a fan of the game go get this now.

Hot List Testing

When you visit the bgg website stuck on the left of the page is the Hot List.

I now have a button in my stats program that will look at that list, and tell me how many that I own, and how many I have played.

This is an example of the information it gives me.

BGG Hot List Stats
I own 5 of the Hot List
I’ve played 12 of the Hot List
The games I own in the Hot List are ranked as follows:
2 Scythe 383
16 Mechs vs. Minions 313
24 Star Wars: Imperial Assault 294
46 7 Wonders Duel 234
76 Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island 177

I know looking at the Hot List that I own more than the five my program says that I own. However I know why this is. It’s easy really the list of my games owned is out of date! Since I downloaded the list from bgg I have added to the collection.

I’m not updating the list of games owned until I have completed the initial pairwise comparisons. Once I have that first completed list of ranked games in my collection, I will add functionality that will take a new bgg list of my collection and add any new games to the database.

In reality the final owned figure currently should be 8.

I know that the played side is fairly accurate because it uses my logged plays data, and takes into account games in my collection that I played before I started recording plays. So apart from one or two games that I played but owned by some-one else that I played before I started recording games, I’m happy with the number this gives.

I also like that it tells me the rank of each of the games I own in the Hot List. Although I am shocked that 7 Wonders Duel is sitting at it’s current position. But the rankings don’t lie! Plus I’m just short of 39% through the pairwise comparisons. Still time for things to change.

Holding on by my finger tips

This Wednesday sees a “massive” update to the Star Realms app.

In an email plus a more detailed post we got the following warning:




So what changes warrant this ominous warning?

For starters the app is getting a graphic update.

Apart from the new look, we are getting more cards:

  • “53 All-New Colony Wars cards in the Trade Deck with fun, new mechanics
  • Cards that can be purchased from the Trade Row and can immediately be put into play or into a player’s hand.
  • Blob faction has a new ability to “acquire a ship of cost x or less for free”.
  • The Stealth Tower card that comes with Colony Wars allows you to copy any base in play!
  • Two new chapters in the ongoing campaign, each with six missions!”

In their infinite wisdom the way levelling works is changing:

Currently, we have a lot of players that are “Forever Fives” – stuck at level 5 (that’d be me). This isn’t much fun, so now, if you make it to level 6, that will be your floor. If you then make it to level 7, that will be your floor, and so on. Sounds more fun, doesn’t it? However, it should be noted that now challenges won’t count towards your level or weekly or monthly leaderboards, but they will still count towards your overall number of games played, as well as your win percentage.

So this change is going to be controversial. I welcome the moving floor. However the majority of my games are challenges against friends and the odd mystery Internet person I’ve never met, but been playing for a long time now. So basically if I want to level up I am forced to play random  games. Otherwise if I don’t want to play random games whatever level I’m at the end of Tuesday I’m stuck at. Wow that sounds fun!

Another big change is real time games! I’d go read the post for this one. I think it will replace the 3 minute games. Which I hardly ever played. I’ve seen some welcoming this. Mainly from those that stream games. I might start doing that myself. Who knows? The whim might take me to show the world just how bad I am at the game!

So I need to complete all my current games by Tuesday, make sure I don’t drop below level 6 (I don’t think I can push it up to 7).

You can read the whole announcement HERE.

Tokaido hits app stores

The beautiful relaxing boardgame Tokaido finally hit the apps stores today.

They really have done a great job bringing the game to the small screen. It has a video game feel to it, but looks and plays like the boardgame. 

There is a solo mode against an AI opponent(s), pass and play, plus online play.  Which covers most bases.

You should be able to get the game by clicking on the appropriate link for your system below.

iOS (£6.99) Android (£5.99)

Oh my ign is Whitespider1066