SPOILER ALERT TO MY ADVENTURERS! The following post contains spoilers for the up and coming Alien RPG cinematic adventure Hope’s Last Day. You may want to avoid this post and join me in a future one. REMEMBER you have been warned.
We have a date for when we are going to get round the table to play the cinematic introductory adventure Hope’s Last Day.
Which should be a day or two before the D&D campaign happens. Yeah some lessons I just never learn.
As part of my prep I’m rewatching the movies again. Plus watching the odd actual plays on YouTube to get an idea how to run a year zero (the engine the Alien RPG is based on) adventure. They are definitely presented differently to the D&D 5e adventures I am used to.
If memory does not let me down I have the maps for this already without a need to print them out for the players. I just need GM annotated copies for myself.
So still lots to do, and I’ll keep you updated as I go along.