The second long weekend of May, aka The Kings Coronation started off so well yesterday with my car not starting. “It’s dead Jim” to paraphrase a famous fictional starship doctor.
Luckily a very kind neighbour was able to give me a lift to work. So I wasn’t late and losing pay (being paid by the hourly that could have hit me hard). Then thanks to a colleague at work upon hearing my car woes I investigated whether there was a college bus I could catch.
It turns out there was and it was free.
My walk home from the centre of town from the Horsefair allowed me to stop in at The Luxe and get a ticket for Guardians of the Galaxy 3 (GOG3) on the Saturday.
Sadly the car troubles meant I was not able to attend the Fenland Gamers club night.

Today after getting a couple of magazines to read and a birthday card for Mum I sat down with a vanilla latte and a bag of Galaxy Minstrels to watch the third and final part of the Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy.
I was a bit apprehensive about the movie as I knew it was a bit darker than the other two entries in the trilogy. Especially with the subject matter it touched upon.
GOG3 can be viewed in a couple of ways. The first as a separate stand alone movie, and the second as part of the three movie story arc. Although in reality it’s three movies, a Christmas special, the Infinity Gauntlet and End Game, plus the dire Thor 4 Love and Thunder.
As a stand alone movie it works, but just. You really do need to have seen the previous entries to the story to get the most from GOG3.
As the final entry I think this is a really great end to the story.
Yes tonally GOG3 is darker than the previous parts. It does have moments of humour, but these are used more sparingly and to greater effect. In a way I’m reminded of when the first Guardians came out. It felt fresh especially with its humour. And now Gunn has done it again. Pulling back on the humour, touching on more adult themes. A stark contrast to the way Marvel movies have been going in recent years.
As always the soundtrack is awesome, great use of source music, and there are one or two scenes that are similar to the previous movies.
I really enjoyed the movie. A couple of moments near the end my eyes nearly leaked. Which I say bravo to Gunn for manipulating me emotionally to that point.
I’d like to say Marvel are back on track. But at the moment GOG3 seems the outlier from the past few years.
Whilst I was enjoying GOG3 the latest three promo packs for Rolling Realms arrived.
If you get all the promo packs currently available for Rolling Realms you have doubled the number of realms that came with the game.
I like to think that Jamey Stegmaier has invented a new roll and write sub genre called the living roll and write. It’s the roll and write version of an lcg. How else do you describe the promo packs for the game? They work just like the packs that lcgs get adding more content.
Right time to read those magazines I bought. Laters.