Yesterday was Mar10 day! I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen this as a thing. I hope it remains so and becomes the Nintendo equivalent of May 4th for Star Wars.
Below are the images I shared across social media via Instagram.
So that I don’t forget I’ve added a reminder to the calendar on my iPhone. Along with May the fourth.
I had been hearing good things about the roll and write Rome and Roll. And I have been known to enjoy the odd roll and write. I have a handful of them in my collection.
So when I investigated the game, which was basically looking to see how much it costs. I was pleasantly surprised at how relatively cheap it was.
And because there is a photo (above) and the fact I am briefly discussing it here. It is safe to assume a copy arrived yesterday.
I hadn’t realised this game doesn’t have the obligatory thick pads of paper to play with. But uses dry erase pens and shiny wipeable boards. The cards used in the game are not your regular MtG sized playing card, but more a larger tarot size. So if I want to sleeve them then I need to source an appropriate sized sleeve.
The game caters for 1 – 4 players. The likely hood I’ll play it solo. Slim. I like the idea of solo play. And more than a few of the games in my collection allow solo play. However the flaffing around setting up, and running some form of AI puts me off. Especially if there is a digital version of the game I can play. Although there is the lack of the tactile side of things with the digital version.
Rome and Roll does come with a reputation of being more thinky and complex that your regular roll and write. And I’m looking forward to sinking my teeth into it.