Back to the hills – destination unknown!

My return to the hills is fastly approaching and I have no idea where I’m going!

I just can’t make my mind up.

One thing I am certain of is going north of the border is out of the question.

With the time I have for doing this the amount of travel required to get there and back rules it out.

Which is a shame I love Scotland. It is such a a beautiful place to visit and explore on foot.

The same distance travel time handicap rules out Dartmoor as well.

Areas pushing the limits of this self imposed restriction such as the New Forest or Brecon Beacons are tempting. Especially the later which has a lot of fond memories.

I’m left with North Wales, Peak District, Lake District, and Yorkshire Moors. Although my gut is telling me the Lakes might also be stretching it.

One benefit for me no matter which area I finally end up exploring is I will be going midweek. So hopefully I will be avoiding those weekend crowds.

My current thoughts or I should say where my heart is being pulled is North Wales. But which part?

I need to look at maps and see what grabs me. The usual honey spots don’t grab me. I can do them some other time.

I need to think more on this.

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